first commit

This commit is contained in:
Avanpost 2024-11-05 14:57:38 +00:00
commit 988afb33e3
Signed by: avanpost20
GPG key ID: C879DD866453B55E
73 changed files with 8407 additions and 0 deletions

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve
title: ''
labels: unconfirmed bug
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
A small code snippet showing the error
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
**Library version**
Access this info via `pip show`
**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.

.github/workflows/pyright.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
on: [push, pull_request]
name: pyright
version: ["3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: ${{ matrix.version }}
- run: pip install .[speedups,docs]
- uses: jakebailey/pyright-action@v1
python-version: ${{ matrix.version }}
working-directory: next
version: ["3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: ${{ matrix.version }}
- run: pip install .[speedups,docs]
- uses: jakebailey/pyright-action@v1
python-version: ${{ matrix.version }}
working-directory: next
verify-types: next
ignore-external: true

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@

.readthedocs.yml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
version: 2
configuration: docs/
- method: pip
path: .
- docs
python: "3.9"
os: "ubuntu-22.04"

Justfile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
set dotenv-load := true
rm -rf dist/*
python -m build
python -m twine upload dist/*
pyright .
pyright --ignoreexternal --verifytypes next
cd docs && make html

LICENSE Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (c) 2021-present Zomatree
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

40 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
An async library to interact with the API.
You can join the support server [here]( and find the library's documentation [here](
## Installing
You can use `pip` to install It differs slightly depending on what OS/Distro you use.
On Windows
py -m pip install -U next-api-py # -U to update
On macOS and Linux
python3 -m pip install -U next-api-py
## Example
More examples can be found in the [examples folder](
import next
import asyncio
class Client(next.Client):
async def on_message(self, message: next.Message):
if message.content == "hello":
await"hi how are you")
async def main():
async with next.utils.client_session() as session:
client = Client(session, "BOT TOKEN HERE")
await client.start()

docs/Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
# from the environment for the first two.
SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
.PHONY: help Makefile
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile

docs/api.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
.. currentmodule:: next
API Reference
.. autoclass:: Client
.. autoclass:: Asset
.. autoclass:: PartialAsset
.. autoclass:: Channel
.. autoclass:: ServerChannel
.. autoclass:: SavedMessageChannel
.. autoclass:: DMChannel
.. autoclass:: GroupDMChannel
.. autoclass:: TextChannel
.. autoclass:: VoiceChannel
.. autoclass:: Embed
.. autoclass:: WebsiteEmbed
.. autoclass:: ImageEmbed
.. autoclass:: TextEmbed
.. autoclass:: NoneEmbed
.. autoclass:: SendableEmbed
.. autoclass:: File
.. autoclass:: Member
.. autoclass:: Message
.. autoclass:: MessageReply
.. autoclass:: Masquerade
.. autoclass:: Messageable
.. autoclass:: Permissions
.. autoclass:: UserPermissions
.. autoclass:: PermissionsOverwrite
.. autoclass:: Role
.. autoclass:: Server
.. autoclass:: ServerBan
.. autoclass:: Category
.. autoclass:: SystemMessages
.. autoclass:: User
.. autonamedtuple:: Relation
.. autonamedtuple:: Status
.. autoclass:: UserBadges
.. autoclass:: UserProfile
.. autoclass:: Invite
.. autoclass:: Emoji
.. autoclass:: MessageInteractions
The api uses enums to say what variant of something is,
these represent those enums
All enums subclass `aenum.Enum`.
.. class:: ChannelType
Specifies the type of channel.
.. attribute:: saved_message
A private channel only you can access.
.. attribute:: direct_message
A private direct message channel between you and another user
.. attribute:: group
A private group channel for messages between a group of users
.. attribute:: text_channel
A text channel in a server
.. attribute:: voice_channel
A voice only channel
.. class:: PresenceType
Specifies what a users presence is
.. attribute:: busy
The user is busy and wont receive notification
.. attribute:: idle
The user is idle
.. attribute:: invisible
The user is invisible, you will never receive this, instead they will appear offline
.. attribute:: online
The user is online
.. attribute:: offline
The user is offline or invisible
.. class:: RelationshipType
Specifies the relationship between two users
.. attribute:: blocked
You have blocked them
.. attribute:: blocked_other
They have blocked you
.. attribute:: friend
You are friends with them
.. attribute:: incoming_friend_request
They are sending you a friend request
.. attribute:: none
You have no relationship with them
.. attribute:: outgoing_friend_request
You are sending them a friend request
.. attribute:: user
That user is yourself
.. class:: AssetType
Specifies the type of asset
.. attribute:: image
The asset is an image
.. attribute:: video
The asset is a video
.. attribute:: text
The asset is a text file
.. attribute:: audio
The asset is an audio file
.. attribute:: file
The asset is a generic file
.. class:: SortType
The sort type for a message search
.. attribute:: latest
Sort by the latest message
.. attribute:: oldest
Sort by the oldest message
.. attribute:: relevance
Sort by the relevance of the message
.. class:: EmbedType
The type of embed
.. attribute:: website
The embed is a website
.. attribute:: image
The embed is an image
.. attribute:: text
The embed is text
.. attribute:: video
The embed is a video
.. attribute:: unknown
The embed is unknown
.. currentmodule:: next.utils
A collection a utility functions and classes to aid in making your bot
.. autofunction:: get
.. autofunction:: client_session

docs/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
# list see the documentation:
# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
import os
import sys
import sphinx_nameko_theme
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
import next
# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
project = ''
copyright = '2024-present, Avanpost'
author = 'Avanpost'
version = ".".join(map(str, next.__version__))
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
# ones.
extensions = [
# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
templates_path = ['_templates']
# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store']
add_module_names = False
# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
# a list of builtin themes.
html_theme = 'nameko'
html_theme_path = [sphinx_nameko_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
html_static_path = ['_static']
autodoc_typehints = "none"

docs/ext/commands/api.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
.. currentmodule:: next
API Reference
.. autoclass:: next.ext.commands.CommandsClient
.. autoclass:: next.ext.commands.Context
.. autoclass:: next.ext.commands.Command
.. autoclass:: next.ext.commands.Cog
.. autodecorator:: next.ext.commands.command
.. autodecorator:: next.ext.commands.check
.. autodecorator:: next.ext.commands.is_bot_owner
.. autodecorator:: next.ext.commands.is_server_owner
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.CommandError
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.CommandNotFound
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.NoClosingQuote
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.CheckError
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.NotBotOwner
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.NotServerOwner
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.ServerOnly
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.ConverterError
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.InvalidLiteralArgument
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.BadBoolArgument
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.CategoryConverterError
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.UserConverterError
.. autoexception:: next.ext.commands.MemberConverterError

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
.. next_ext_commands:
``next.ext.commands`` - Command Framework
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

docs/index.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
Welcome to's documentation!
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

docs/make.bat Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
pushd %~dp0
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
set BUILDDIR=_build
if "%1" == "" goto help
if errorlevel 9009 (
echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
exit /b 1
goto end

examples/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import next
class Client(next.Client):
async def on_message(self, message: next.Message):
if message.content == "hello":
await"hi how are you")
async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
client = Client(session, "BOT TOKEN HERE")
await client.start()

examples/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import next
from next.ext import commands
class Client(commands.CommandsClient):
async def get_prefix(self, message: next.Message):
return "!"
async def ping(self, ctx: commands.Context):
await ctx.send("pong")
async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
client = Client(session, "BOT TOKEN HERE")
await client.start()

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from . import utils as utils
from . import types as types
from .asset import *
from .category import *
from .channel import *
from .client import *
from .embed import *
from .emoji import *
from .enums import *
from .errors import *
from .file import *
from .flags import *
from .invite import *
from .member import *
from .message import *
from .messageable import *
from .permissions import *
from .role import *
from .server import *
from .user import *
__version__ = "0.2.0"

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import mimetypes
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from .enums import AssetType
from .utils import Ulid
from io import IOBase
from .state import State
from .types import File as FilePayload
__all__ = ("Asset", "PartialAsset")
class Asset(Ulid):
"""Represents a file on next
id: :class:`str`
The id of the asset
tag: :class:`str`
The tag of the asset, this corresponds to where the asset is used
size: :class:`int`
Amount of bytes in the file
filename: :class:`str`
The name of the file
height: Optional[:class:`int`]
The height of the file if it is an image or video
width: Optional[:class:`int`]
The width of the file if it is an image or video
content_type: :class:`str`
The content type of the file
type: :class:`AssetType`
The type of asset it is
url: :class:`str`
The asset's url
__slots__ = ("state", "id", "tag", "size", "filename", "content_type", "width", "height", "type", "url")
def __init__(self, data: FilePayload, state: State):
self.state: State = state str = data['_id']
self.tag: str = data['tag']
self.size: int = data['size']
self.filename: str = data['filename']
metadata = data['metadata']
self.height: int | None
self.width: int | None
if metadata["type"] == "Image" or metadata["type"] == "Video": # cannot use `in` because type narrowing will not happen
self.height = metadata["height"]
self.width = metadata["width"]
self.height = None
self.width = None
self.content_type: str | None = data["content_type"]
self.type: AssetType = AssetType(metadata["type"])
base_url = self.state.api_info["features"]["autumn"]["url"]
self.url: str = f"{base_url}/{self.tag}/{}"
async def read(self) -> bytes:
"""Reads the files content into bytes"""
return await self.state.http.request_file(self.url)
async def save(self, fp: IOBase) -> None:
"""Reads the files content and saves it to a file
fp: IOBase
The file to write to
class PartialAsset(Asset):
"""Partial asset for when we get limited data about the asset
id: :class:`str`
The id of the asset, this will always be ``"0"``
size: :class:`int`
Amount of bytes in the file, this will always be ``0``
filename: :class:`str`
The name of the file, this be always be ``""``
height: Optional[:class:`int`]
The height of the file if it is an image or video, this will always be ``None``
width: Optional[:class:`int`]
The width of the file if it is an image or video, this will always be ``None``
content_type: Optional[:class:`str`]
The content type of the file, this is guessed from the url's file extension if it has one
type: :class:`AssetType`
The type of asset it is, this always be ``AssetType.file``
def __init__(self, url: str, state: State):
self.state: State = state str = "0"
self.size: int = 0
self.filename: str = ""
self.height: int | None = None
self.width: int | None = None
self.content_type: str | None = mimetypes.guess_extension(url)
self.type: AssetType = AssetType.file
self.url: str = url

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from .utils import Ulid
from .channel import Channel
from .state import State
from .types import Category as CategoryPayload
__all__ = ("Category",)
class Category(Ulid):
"""Represents a category in a server that stores channels.
name: :class:`str`
The name of the category
id: :class:`str`
The id of the category
channel_ids: list[:class:`str`]
The ids of channels that are inside the category
def __init__(self, data: CategoryPayload, state: State):
self.state: State = state str = data["title"] str = data["id"]
self.channel_ids: list[str] = data["channels"]
def channels(self) -> list[Channel]:
"""Returns a list of channels that the category contains"""
return [self.state.get_channel(channel_id) for channel_id in self.channel_ids]

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union
from .asset import Asset
from .enums import ChannelType
from .messageable import Messageable
from .permissions import Permissions, PermissionsOverwrite
from .utils import Missing, Ulid
from .message import Message
from .role import Role
from .server import Server
from .state import State
from .types import Channel as ChannelPayload
from .types import DMChannel as DMChannelPayload
from .types import File as FilePayload
from .types import GroupDMChannel as GroupDMChannelPayload
from .types import Overwrite as OverwritePayload
from .types import SavedMessages as SavedMessagesPayload
from .types import ServerChannel as ServerChannelPayload
from .types import TextChannel as TextChannelPayload
from .user import User
__all__ = ("DMChannel", "GroupDMChannel", "SavedMessageChannel", "TextChannel", "VoiceChannel", "Channel", "ServerChannel")
class EditableChannel:
__slots__ = ()
state: State
id: str
async def edit(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Edits the channel
Passing ``None`` to the parameters that accept it will remove them.
name: str
The new name for the channel
description: Optional[str]
The new description for the channel
owner: User
The new owner for the group dm channel
icon: Optional[File]
The new icon for the channel
nsfw: bool
Sets whether the channel is nsfw or not
remove: list[str] = []
if kwargs.get("icon", Missing) == None:
elif kwargs.get("description", Missing) == None:
if icon := kwargs.get("icon"):
asset = await self.state.http.upload_file(icon, "icons")
kwargs["icon"] = asset["id"]
if owner := kwargs.get("owner"):
kwargs["owner"] =
await self.state.http.edit_channel(, remove, kwargs)
class Channel(Ulid):
"""Base class for all channels
id: :class:`str`
The id of the channel
channel_type: ChannelType
The type of the channel
server_id: Optional[:class:`str`]
The server id of the chanel, if any
__slots__ = ("state", "id", "channel_type", "server_id")
def __init__(self, data: ChannelPayload, state: State):
self.state: State = state str = data["_id"]
self.channel_type: ChannelType = ChannelType(data["channel_type"])
self.server_id: Optional[str] = None
async def _get_channel_id(self) -> str:
def _update(self, **_: Any) -> None:
async def delete(self) -> None:
"""Deletes or closes the channel"""
await self.state.http.close_channel(
def server(self) -> Server:
""":class:`Server` The server this voice channel belongs too
Raises if the channel is not part of a server
if not self.server_id:
raise LookupError
return self.state.get_server(self.server_id)
def mention(self) -> str:
""":class:`str`: Returns a string that allows you to mention the given channel."""
return f"<#{}>"
class SavedMessageChannel(Channel, Messageable):
"""The Saved Message Channel"""
def __init__(self, data: SavedMessagesPayload, state: State):
super().__init__(data, state)
class DMChannel(Channel, Messageable):
"""A DM channel
last_message_id: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the last message in this channel, if any
__slots__ = ("last_message_id", "recipient_ids")
def __init__(self, data: DMChannelPayload, state: State):
super().__init__(data, state)
self.recipient_ids: list[str] = data["recipients"]
self.last_message_id: str | None = data.get("last_message_id")
def recipients(self) -> tuple[User, User]:
a, b = self.recipient_ids
return (self.state.get_user(a), self.state.get_user(b))
def recipient(self) -> User:
if self.recipient_ids[0] != self.state.user_id:
user_id = self.recipient_ids[0]
user_id = self.recipient_ids[1]
return self.state.get_user(user_id)
def last_message(self) -> Message:
"""Gets the last message from the channel, shorthand for `client.get_message(channel.last_message_id)`
:class:`Message` the last message in the channel
if not self.last_message_id:
raise LookupError
return self.state.get_message(self.last_message_id)
class GroupDMChannel(Channel, Messageable, EditableChannel):
"""A group DM channel
recipients: list[:class:`User`]
The recipients of the group dm channel
name: :class:`str`
The name of the group dm channel
owner: :class:`User`
The user who created the group dm channel
icon: Optional[:class:`Asset`]
The icon of the group dm channel
permissions: :class:`ChannelPermissions`
The permissions of the users inside the group dm channel
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The description of the channel, if any
last_message_id: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the last message in this channel, if any
__slots__ = ("recipient_ids", "name", "owner_id", "permissions", "icon", "description", "last_message_id")
def __init__(self, data: GroupDMChannelPayload, state: State):
super().__init__(data, state)
self.recipient_ids: list[str] = data["recipients"] str = data["name"]
self.owner_id: str = data["owner"]
self.description: str | None = data.get("description")
self.last_message_id: str | None = data.get("last_message_id")
self.icon: Asset | None
if icon := data.get("icon"):
self.icon = Asset(icon, state)
self.icon = None
self.permissions: Permissions = Permissions(data.get("permissions", 0))
def _update(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, recipients: Optional[list[str]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if name is not None: = name
if recipients is not None:
self.recipient_ids = recipients
if description is not None:
self.description = description
def recipients(self) -> list[User]:
return [self.state.get_user(user_id) for user_id in self.recipient_ids]
def owner(self) -> User:
return self.state.get_user(self.owner_id)
async def set_default_permissions(self, permissions: Permissions) -> None:
"""Sets the default permissions for a group.
permissions: :class:`ChannelPermissions`
The new default group permissions
await self.state.http.set_group_channel_default_permissions(, permissions.value)
def last_message(self) -> Message:
"""Gets the last message from the channel, shorthand for `client.get_message(channel.last_message_id)`
:class:`Message` the last message in the channel
if not self.last_message_id:
raise LookupError
return self.state.get_message(self.last_message_id)
class ServerChannel(Channel):
"""Base class for all guild channels
server_id: :class:`str`
The id of the server this text channel belongs to
name: :class:`str`
The name of the text channel
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The description of the channel, if any
nsfw: bool
Sets whether the channel is nsfw or not
default_permissions: :class:`ChannelPermissions`
The default permissions for all users in the text channel
def __init__(self, data: ServerChannelPayload, state: State):
super().__init__(data, state)
self.server_id: Optional[str] = data["server"] str = data["name"]
self.description: Optional[str] = data.get("description")
self.nsfw: bool = data.get("nsfw", False) bool = False
self.default_permissions: PermissionsOverwrite = PermissionsOverwrite._from_overwrite(data.get("default_permissions", {"a": 0, "d": 0}))
permissions: dict[str, PermissionsOverwrite] = {}
for role_name, overwrite_data in data.get("role_permissions", {}).items():
overwrite = PermissionsOverwrite._from_overwrite(overwrite_data)
permissions[role_name] = overwrite
self.permissions: dict[str, PermissionsOverwrite] = permissions
self.icon: Asset | None
if icon := data.get("icon"):
self.icon = Asset(icon, state)
self.icon = None
async def set_default_permissions(self, permissions: PermissionsOverwrite) -> None:
"""Sets the default permissions for the channel.
permissions: :class:`ChannelPermissions`
The new default channel permissions
allow, deny = permissions.to_pair()
await self.state.http.set_guild_channel_default_permissions(, allow.value, deny.value)
async def set_role_permissions(self, role: Role, permissions: PermissionsOverwrite) -> None:
"""Sets the permissions for a role in the channel.
permissions: :class:`ChannelPermissions`
The new channel permissions
allow, deny = permissions.to_pair()
await self.state.http.set_guild_channel_role_permissions(,, allow.value, deny.value)
def _update(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, icon: Optional[FilePayload] = None, nsfw: Optional[bool] = None, active: Optional[bool] = None, role_permissions: Optional[dict[str, OverwritePayload]] = None, default_permissions: Optional[OverwritePayload] = None):
if name is not None: = name
if description is not None:
self.description = description
if icon is not None:
self.icon = Asset(icon, self.state)
if nsfw is not None:
self.nsfw = nsfw
if active is not None: = active
if role_permissions is not None:
permissions = {}
for role_name, overwrite_data in role_permissions.items():
overwrite = PermissionsOverwrite._from_overwrite(overwrite_data)
permissions[role_name] = overwrite
self.permissions = permissions
if default_permissions is not None:
self.default_permissions = PermissionsOverwrite._from_overwrite(default_permissions)
class TextChannel(ServerChannel, Messageable, EditableChannel):
"""A text channel
Subclasses :class:`ServerChannel` and :class:`Messageable`
name: :class:`str`
The name of the text channel
server_id: :class:`str`
The id of the server this text channel belongs to
last_message_id: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the last message in this channel, if any
default_permissions: :class:`ChannelPermissions`
The default permissions for all users in the text channel
role_permissions: dict[:class:`str`, :class:`ChannelPermissions`]
A dictionary of role id's to the permissions of that role in the text channel
icon: Optional[:class:`Asset`]
The icon of the text channel, if any
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The description of the channel, if any
__slots__ = ("name", "description", "last_message_id", "default_permissions", "icon", "overwrites")
def __init__(self, data: TextChannelPayload, state: State):
super().__init__(data, state)
self.last_message_id: str | None = data.get("last_message_id")
async def _get_channel_id(self) -> str:
def last_message(self) -> Message:
"""Gets the last message from the channel, shorthand for `client.get_message(channel.last_message_id)`
:class:`Message` the last message in the channel
if not self.last_message_id:
raise LookupError
return self.state.get_message(self.last_message_id)
class VoiceChannel(ServerChannel, EditableChannel):
"""A voice channel
Subclasses :class:`ServerChannel`
name: :class:`str`
The name of the voice channel
server_id: :class:`str`
The id of the server this voice channel belongs to
last_message_id: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the last message in this channel, if any
default_permissions: :class:`ChannelPermissions`
The default permissions for all users in the voice channel
role_permissions: dict[:class:`str`, :class:`ChannelPermissions`]
A dictionary of role id's to the permissions of that role in the voice channel
icon: Optional[:class:`Asset`]
The icon of the voice channel, if any
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The description of the channel, if any
def channel_factory(data: ChannelPayload, state: State) -> Union[DMChannel, GroupDMChannel, SavedMessageChannel, TextChannel, VoiceChannel]:
if data["channel_type"] == "SavedMessages":
return SavedMessageChannel(data, state)
elif data["channel_type"] == "DirectMessage":
return DMChannel(data, state)
elif data["channel_type"] == "Group":
return GroupDMChannel(data, state)
elif data["channel_type"] == "TextChannel":
return TextChannel(data, state)
elif data["channel_type"] == "VoiceChannel":
return VoiceChannel(data, state)
raise Exception

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Coroutine, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
import aiohttp
from .errors import NextError
from .channel import (DMChannel, GroupDMChannel, SavedMessageChannel,
TextChannel, VoiceChannel, channel_factory)
from .http import HttpClient
from .invite import Invite
from .message import Message
from .state import State
from .utils import Missing, Ulid
from .websocket import WebsocketHandler
from .emoji import Emoji
from .server import Server
from .user import User
import ujson as json
except ImportError:
import json
from .channel import Channel
from .file import File
from .types import ApiInfo
import next
__all__ = ("Client",)
logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("next")
P = ParamSpec("P")
R = TypeVar("R")
class Client:
"""The client for interacting with next
session: :class:`aiohttp.ClientSession`
The aiohttp session to use for http request and the websocket
token: :class:`str`
The bots token
api_url: :class:`str`
The api url for the next instance you are connecting to, by default it uses the offical instance hosted at
max_messages: :class:`int`
The max amount of messages stored in the cache, by default this is 5k
def __init__(self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, token: str, *, api_url: str = "", max_messages: int = 5000, bot: bool = True):
self.session: aiohttp.ClientSession = session
self.token: str = token
self.api_url: str = api_url
self.max_messages: int = max_messages bool = bot
self.api_info: ApiInfo
self.http: HttpClient
self.state: State
self.websocket: WebsocketHandler
self.temp_listeners: dict[str, list[tuple[Callable[..., bool], asyncio.Future[Any]]]] = {}
self.listeners: dict[str, list[Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]]] = {}
def dispatch(self, event: str, *args: Any) -> None:
"""Dispatch an event, this is typically used for testing and internals.
event: class:`str`
The name of the event to dispatch, not including `on_`
args: :class:`Any`
The arguments passed to the event
if temp_listeners := self.temp_listeners.get(event, None):
for check, future in temp_listeners:
if check(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
self.temp_listeners[event] = [(c, f) for c, f in temp_listeners if not f.done()]
for listener in self.listeners.get(event, []):
if func := getattr(self, f"on_{event}", None):
async def get_api_info(self) -> ApiInfo:
async with self.session.get(self.api_url) as resp:
text = await resp.text()
return json.loads(text)
raise NextError(f"Cant fetch api info:\n{text}")
async def start(self, *, reconnect: bool = True) -> None:
"""Starts the client"""
api_info = await self.get_api_info()
self.api_info = api_info
self.http = HttpClient(self.session, self.token, self.api_url, self.api_info,
self.state = State(self.http, api_info, self.max_messages)
self.websocket = WebsocketHandler(self.session, self.token, api_info["ws"], self.dispatch, self.state)
await self.websocket.start(reconnect)
async def stop(self) -> None:
await self.websocket.websocket.close()
def get_user(self, id: str) -> User:
"""Gets a user from the cache
id: :class:`str`
The id of the user
The user
return self.state.get_user(id)
def get_channel(self, id: str) -> Channel:
"""Gets a channel from the cache
id: :class:`str`
The id of the channel
The channel
return self.state.get_channel(id)
def get_server(self, id: str) -> Server:
"""Gets a server from the cache
id: :class:`str`
The id of the server
The server
return self.state.get_server(id)
async def wait_for(self, event: str, *, check: Optional[Callable[..., bool]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> Any:
"""Waits for an event
event: :class:`str`
The name of the event to wait for, without the `on_`
check: Optional[Callable[..., :class:`bool`]]
A function that says what event to wait_for, this function takes the same parameters as the event you are waiting for and should return a bool saying if that is the event you want
timeout: Optional[:class:`float`]
Time in seconds to wait for the event. By default it waits forever
If timeout is provided and it was reached
The parameters of the event
if not check:
check = lambda *_: True
future = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future()
self.temp_listeners.setdefault(event, []).append((check, future))
return await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout)
def listen(self, name: str | None = None) -> Callable[[Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]]], Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]]]:
"""Registers a listener for an event, multiple listeners can be registered to the same event without conflict
name: Optional[:class:`str`]
The name of the event to register this under, this defaults to the function's name
def inner(func: Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]]) -> Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]]:
nonlocal name
if not name:
if not func.__name__.startswith("on_"):
raise NextError("listener name must begin with `on_`")
name = func.__name__[3:]
self.listeners.setdefault(name, []).append(func)
return func
return inner
def remove_listener(self, func: Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]], *, event: str = ...) -> Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, R]] | None:
def remove_listener(self, func: Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], *, event: None = ...) -> None:
def remove_listener(self, func: Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]], *, event: str | None = None) -> Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, R]] | None:
"""Removes a listener registered, if the `event` parameter is passed, the listener will only be removed from that event, this can be used if the same listener is registed to multiple events at once.
func: Callable
The function for the listener to be removed
event: Optional[:class:`str`]
The name of the event to remove this from, passing `None` will make this remove the listener from all events this is registered under
if event is None:
for listeners in self.listeners.values():
except ValueError:
return func
except ValueError:
def user(self) -> User:
""":class:`User` the user corrasponding to the client"""
user = self.websocket.user
assert user
return user
def users(self) -> list[User]:
"""list[:class:`User`] All users the client can see"""
return list(self.state.users.values())
def servers(self) -> list[Server]:
"""list[:class:'Server'] All servers the client can see"""
return list(self.state.servers.values())
def global_emojis(self) -> list[Emoji]:
return self.state.global_emojis
async def fetch_user(self, user_id: str) -> User:
"""Fetchs a user
user_id: :class:`str`
The id of the user you are fetching
The user with the matching id
payload = await self.http.fetch_user(user_id)
return User(payload, self.state)
async def fetch_dm_channels(self) -> list[Union[DMChannel, GroupDMChannel]]:
"""Fetchs all dm channels the client has made
list[Union[:class:`DMChanel`, :class:`GroupDMChannel`]]
A list of :class:`DMChannel` or :class`GroupDMChannel`
channel_payloads = await self.http.fetch_dm_channels()
return cast(list[Union[DMChannel, GroupDMChannel]], [channel_factory(payload, self.state) for payload in channel_payloads])
async def fetch_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> Union[DMChannel, GroupDMChannel, SavedMessageChannel, TextChannel, VoiceChannel]:
"""Fetches a channel
channel_id: :class:`str`
The id of the channel
Union[:class:`DMChannel`, :class:`GroupDMChannel`, :class:`SavedMessageChannel`, :class:`TextChannel`, :class:`VoiceChannel`]
The channel with the matching id
payload = await self.http.fetch_channel(channel_id)
return channel_factory(payload, self.state)
async def fetch_server(self, server_id: str) -> Server:
"""Fetchs a server
server_id: :class:`str`
The id of the server you are fetching
The server with the matching id
payload = await self.http.fetch_server(server_id)
return Server(payload, self.state)
async def fetch_invite(self, code: str) -> Invite:
"""Fetchs an invite
code: :class:`str`
The code of the invite you are fetching
The invite with the matching code
payload = await self.http.fetch_invite(code)
return Invite(payload, code, self.state)
def get_message(self, message_id: str) -> Message:
"""Gets a message from the cache
message_id: :class:`str`
The id of the message you are getting
The message with the matching id
This raises if the message is not found in the cache
for message in self.state.messages:
if == message_id:
return message
raise LookupError
async def edit_self(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Edits the client's own user
avatar: Optional[:class:`File`]
The avatar to change to, passing in ``None`` will remove the avatar
if kwargs.get("avatar", Missing) is None:
del kwargs["avatar"]
remove = ["Avatar"]
remove = None
await self.state.http.edit_self(remove, kwargs)
async def edit_status(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Edits the client's own status
presence: :class:`PresenceType`
The presence to change to
text: Optional[:class:`str`]
The text to change the status to, passing in ``None`` will remove the status
if kwargs.get("text", Missing) is None:
del kwargs["text"]
remove = ["StatusText"]
remove = None
if presence := kwargs.get("presence"):
kwargs["presence"] = presence.value
await self.state.http.edit_self(remove, {"status": kwargs})
async def edit_profile(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Edits the client's own profile
content: Optional[:class:`str`]
The new content for the profile, passing in ``None`` will remove the profile content
background: Optional[:class:`File`]
The new background for the profile, passing in ``None`` will remove the profile background
remove: list[str] = []
if kwargs.get("content", Missing) is None:
del kwargs["content"]
if kwargs.get("background", Missing) is None:
del kwargs["background"]
await self.state.http.edit_self(remove, {"profile": kwargs})
async def fetch_emoji(self, emoji_id: str) -> Emoji:
"""Fetches an emoji
emoji_id: str
The id of the emoji
The emoji with the corrasponding id
emoji = await self.state.http.fetch_emoji(emoji_id)
return Emoji(emoji, self.state)
async def upload_file(self, file: File, tag: Literal['attachments', 'avatars', 'backgrounds', 'icons', 'banners', 'emojis']) -> Ulid:
"""Uploads a file to next
file: :class:`File`
The file to upload
tag: :class:`str`
The type of file to upload, this should a string of either `'attachments'`, `'avatars'`, `'backgrounds'`, `'icons'`, `'banners'` or `'emojis'`
The id of the file that was uploaded
asset = await self.http.upload_file(file, tag)
ulid = Ulid() = asset["id"]
return ulid
# events
async def on_ready(self) -> None:
async def on_message(self, message: next.Message) -> None:
async def on_raw_message_update(self, payload: next.types.MessageUpdateEventPayload) -> None:
async def on_message_update(self, before: next.Message, after: next.Message) -> None:
async def on_raw_message_delete(self, payload: next.types.MessageDeleteEventPayload) -> None:
async def on_message_delete(self, message: next.Message) -> None:
async def on_channel_create(self, channel: next.Channel) -> None:
async def on_channel_update(self, before: next.Channel, after: next.Channel) -> None:
async def on_channel_delete(self, channel: next.Channel) -> None:
async def on_typing_start(self, channel: next.Channel, user: next.User) -> None:
async def on_typing_stop(self, channel: next.Channel, user: next.User) -> None:
async def on_server_update(self, before: next.Server, after: next.Server) -> None:
async def on_server_delete(self, server: next.Server) -> None:
async def on_server_join(self, server: next.Server) -> None:
async def on_member_update(self, before: next.Member, after: next.Member) -> None:
async def on_member_join(self, member: next.Member) -> None:
async def on_member_leave(self, member: next.Member) -> None:
async def on_role_create(self, role: next.Role) -> None:
async def on_role_update(self, before: next.Role, after: next.Role) -> None:
async def on_role_delete(self, role: next.Role) -> None:
async def on_user_update(self, before: next.User, after: next.User) -> None:
async def on_user_relationship_update(self, user: next.User, before: next.RelationshipType, after: next.RelationshipType) -> None:
async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, payload: next.types.MessageReactEventPayload) -> None:
async def on_reaction_add(self, message: next.Message, user: next.User, emoji_id: str) -> None:
async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, payload: next.types.MessageUnreactEventPayload) -> None:
async def on_reaction_remove(self, message: next.Message, user: next.User, emoji_id: str) -> None:
async def on_raw_reaction_clear(self, payload: next.types.MessageRemoveReactionEventPayload) -> None:
async def on_reaction_clear(self, message: next.Message, user: next.User, emoji_id: str) -> None:
async def raw_bulk_message_delete(self, payload: next.types.BulkMessageDeleteEventPayload) -> None:
async def bulk_message_delete(self, messages: list[next.Message]) -> None:

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, TypedDict, Union
from typing_extensions import NotRequired, Unpack
from next.types.embed import WebsiteSpecial
from .asset import Asset
from .enums import EmbedType
from .state import State
from .types import Embed as EmbedPayload
from .types import ImageEmbed as ImageEmbedPayload
from .types import SendableEmbed as SendableEmbedPayload
from .types import TextEmbed as TextEmbedPayload
from .types import WebsiteEmbed as WebsiteEmbedPayload
from .types import JanuaryImage, JanuaryVideo
__all__ = ("Embed", "WebsiteEmbed", "ImageEmbed", "TextEmbed", "NoneEmbed", "to_embed", "SendableEmbed")
class WebsiteEmbed:
type =
def __init__(self, embed: WebsiteEmbedPayload):
self.url: str | None = embed.get("url")
self.special: WebsiteSpecial | None = embed.get("special")
self.title: str | None = embed.get("title")
self.description: str | None = embed.get("description")
self.image: JanuaryImage | None = embed.get("image") JanuaryVideo | None = embed.get("video")
self.site_name: str | None = embed.get("site_name")
self.icon_url: str | None = embed.get("icon_url")
self.colour: str | None = embed.get("colour")
class ImageEmbed:
type: EmbedType = EmbedType.image
def __init__(self, image: ImageEmbedPayload):
self.url: str = image.get("url")
self.width: int = image.get("width")
self.height: int = image.get("height")
self.size: str = image.get("size")
class TextEmbed:
type: EmbedType = EmbedType.text
def __init__(self, embed: TextEmbedPayload, state: State):
self.icon_url: str | None = embed.get("icon_url")
self.url: str | None = embed.get("url")
self.title: str | None = embed.get("title")
self.description: str | None = embed.get("description") Asset | None
if media := embed.get("media"): = Asset(media, state)
else: = None
self.colour: str | None = embed.get("colour")
class NoneEmbed:
type: EmbedType = EmbedType.none
Embed = Union[WebsiteEmbed, ImageEmbed, TextEmbed, NoneEmbed]
def to_embed(payload: EmbedPayload, state: State) -> Embed:
if payload["type"] == "Website":
return WebsiteEmbed(payload)
elif payload["type"] == "Image":
return ImageEmbed(payload)
elif payload["type"] == "Text":
return TextEmbed(payload, state)
return NoneEmbed()
class EmbedParameters(TypedDict):
title: NotRequired[str]
description: NotRequired[str]
media: NotRequired[str]
icon_url: NotRequired[str]
colour: NotRequired[str]
url: NotRequired[str]
class SendableEmbed:
Represents an embed that can be sent in a message, you will never receive this, you will receive :class:`Embed`.
title: Optional[:class:`str`]
The title of the embed
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The description of the embed
media: Optional[:class:`str`]
The file inside the embed, this is the ID of the file, you can use :meth:`Client.upload_file` to get an ID.
icon_url: Optional[:class:`str`]
The url of the icon url
colour: Optional[:class:`str`]
The embed's accent colour, this is any valid `CSS color <>`_
url: Optional[:class:`str`]
URL for hyperlinking the embed's title
def __init__(self, **attrs: Unpack[EmbedParameters]):
self.title: Optional[str] = None
self.description: Optional[str] = None Optional[str] = None
self.icon_url: Optional[str] = None
self.colour: Optional[str] = None
self.url: Optional[str] = None
for key, value in attrs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def to_dict(self) -> SendableEmbedPayload:
"""Converts the embed to a dictionary which next accepts
:class:`dict[str, Any]`
The embed
output: SendableEmbedPayload = {"type": "Text"}
if title := self.title:
output["title"] = title
if description := self.description:
output["description"] = description
if media :=
output["media"] = media
if icon_url := self.icon_url:
output["icon_url"] = icon_url
if colour := self.colour:
output["colour"] = colour
if url := self.url:
output["url"] = url
return output

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from .utils import Ulid
from .server import Server
from .state import State
from .types import Emoji as EmojiPayload
__all__ = ("Emoji",)
class Emoji(Ulid):
"""Represents a custom emoji.
id: :class:`str`
The id of the emoji
author_id: :class:`str`
The id of the of user who created the emoji
name: :class:`str`
The name of the emoji
animated: :class:`bool`
Whether or not the emoji is animated
nsfw: :class:`bool`
Whether or not the emoji is nsfw
server_id: Optional[:class:`str`]
The server id this emoji belongs to, if any
def __init__(self, payload: EmojiPayload, state: State):
self.state: State = state str = payload["_id"]
self.author_id: str = payload["creator_id"] str = payload["name"]
self.animated: bool = payload.get("animated", False)
self.nsfw: bool = payload.get("nsfw", False)
self.server_id: str | None = payload["parent"].get("id")
async def delete(self) -> None:
"""Deletes the emoji."""
await self.state.http.delete_emoji(
def server(self) -> Server:
"""Returns the server this emoji is part of
The Server this emoji is part of
return self.state.get_server(self.server_id) # type: ignore

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
# typing does not understand aenum so I am pretending its stdlib enum while type checking
import enum
import aenum as enum
__all__ = (
class ChannelType(enum.Enum):
saved_messages = "SavedMessages"
direct_message = "DirectMessage"
group = "Group"
text_channel = "TextChannel"
voice_channel = "VoiceChannel"
class PresenceType(enum.Enum):
busy = "Busy"
idle = "Idle"
invisible = "Invisible"
online = "Online"
focus = "Focus"
class RelationshipType(enum.Enum):
blocked = "Blocked"
blocked_other = "BlockedOther"
friend = "Friend"
incoming_friend_request = "Incoming"
none = "None"
outgoing_friend_request = "Outgoing"
user = "User"
class AssetType(enum.Enum):
image = "Image"
video = "Video"
text = "Text"
audio = "Audio"
file = "File"
class SortType(enum.Enum):
latest = "Latest"
oldest = "Oldest"
relevance = "Relevance"
class EmbedType(enum.Enum):
website = "Website"
image = "Image"
text = "Text"
none = "None"

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
__all__ = (
class NextError(Exception):
"Base exception for next"
class HTTPError(NextError):
"Base exception for http errors"
class ServerError(NextError):
"Internal server error"
class FeatureDisabled(NextError):
"Base class for any feature disabled errors"
class AutumnDisabled(FeatureDisabled):
"The autumn feature is disabled"
class Forbidden(HTTPError):
"Missing permissions"

next/ext/ Normal file
View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
from .checks import *
from .client import *
from .cog import *
from .command import *
from .context import *
from .converters import *
from .cooldown import *
from .errors import *
from .group import *
from .help import *

View file

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Union, cast
from typing_extensions import TypeVar
import next
from .command import Command
from .context import Context
from .errors import (MissingPermissionsError, NotBotOwner, NotServerOwner,
from .utils import ClientT_D
__all__ = ("check", "Check", "is_bot_owner", "is_server_owner", "has_permissions", "has_channel_permissions")
T = TypeVar("T", Callable[..., Any], Command, default=Command)
Check = Callable[[Context[ClientT_D]], Union[Any, Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]]
def check(check: Check[ClientT_D]) -> Callable[[T], T]:
"""A decorator for adding command checks
check: Callable[[Context], Union[Any, Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]]
The function to be called, must take one parameter, context and optionally be a coroutine, the return value denoating whether the check should pass or fail
def inner(func: T) -> T:
if isinstance(func, Command):
command = cast(Command[ClientT_D], func) # cant verify generic at runtime so must cast
checks = getattr(func, "_checks", [])
func._checks = checks # type: ignore
return func
return inner
def is_bot_owner() -> Callable[[T], T]:
"""A command check for limiting the command to only the bot's owner"""
def inner(context: Context[ClientT_D]):
if user_id := context.client.user.owner_id:
if == user_id:
return True
if ==
return True
raise NotBotOwner
return inner
def is_server_owner() -> Callable[[T], T]:
"""A command check for limiting the command to only a server's owner"""
def inner(context: Context[ClientT_D]) -> bool:
if not context.server_id:
raise ServerOnly
if == context.server.owner_id:
return True
raise NotServerOwner
return inner
def has_permissions(**permissions: bool) -> Callable[[T], T]:
def inner(context: Context[ClientT_D]) -> bool:
author =
if not author.has_permissions(**permissions):
raise MissingPermissionsError(permissions)
return True
return inner
def has_channel_permissions(**permissions: bool) -> Callable[[T], T]:
def inner(context: Context[ClientT_D]) -> bool:
author =
if not isinstance(author, next.Member):
raise ServerOnly
if not author.has_channel_permissions(, **permissions):
raise MissingPermissionsError(permissions)
return True
return inner

next/ext/commands/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import traceback
from importlib import import_module
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Coroutine, Optional, Protocol, TypeVar, Union,
overload, runtime_checkable)
from typing_extensions import Self
import next
from .help import HelpCommand
from .cog import Cog
from .command import Command
from .context import Context
from .errors import CheckError, CommandNotFound, MissingSetup
from .view import StringView
__all__ = (
V = TypeVar("V")
T = TypeVar("T")
class ExtensionProtocol(Protocol):
def setup(client: CommandsClient) -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
class CommandsMeta(type):
_commands: list[Command[Any]]
def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: tuple[type, ...], attrs: dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
commands: list[Command[Any]] = []
self = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
for base in reversed(self.__mro__):
for value in base.__dict__.values():
if isinstance(value, Command) and value.parent is None:
self._commands = commands
return self
class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict[str, V]):
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: V) -> None:
super().__setitem__(key.casefold(), value)
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> V:
return super().__getitem__(key.casefold())
def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(key, str):
return super().__contains__(key.casefold())
return False
def get(self, key: str) -> V | None:
def get(self, key: str, default: V | T) -> V | T:
def get(self, key: str, default: Optional[T] = None) -> V | T | None:
return super().get(key.casefold(), default)
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
class CommandsClient(next.Client, metaclass=CommandsMeta):
"""Main class that adds commands, this class should be subclassed along with `next.Client`."""
_commands: list[Command[Self]]
def __init__(self, *args: Any, help_command: Union[HelpCommand[Self], None, next.utils._Missing] = next.utils.Missing, case_insensitive: bool = False, **kwargs: Any):
from .help import DefaultHelpCommand, HelpCommandImpl
self.all_commands: dict[str, Command[Self]] = {} if not case_insensitive else CaseInsensitiveDict()
self.cogs: dict[str, Cog[Self]] = {}
self.extensions: dict[str, ExtensionProtocol] = {}
for command in self._commands:
self.all_commands[] = command
for alias in command.aliases:
self.all_commands[alias] = command
self.help_command: HelpCommand[Self] | None
if help_command is not None:
self.help_command = help_command or DefaultHelpCommand[Self]()
self.help_command = None
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def commands(self) -> list[Command[Self]]:
"""Gets all commands registered
The registered commands
return list(set(self.all_commands.values()))
async def get_prefix(self, message: next.Message) -> Union[str, list[str]]:
"""Overwrite this function to set the prefix used for commands, this function is called for every message.
message: :class:`Message`
The message that was sent
Union[:class:`str`, list[:class:`str`]]
The prefix(s) for the commands
raise NotImplementedError
def get_command(self, name: str) -> Command[Self]:
"""Gets a command.
name: :class:`str`
The name or alias of the command
The command with the name
return self.all_commands[name]
def add_command(self, command: Command[Self]) -> None:
"""Adds a command, this is typically only used for dynamic commands, you should use the `commands.command` decorator for most usecases.
name: :class:`str`
The name or alias of the command
command: :class:`Command`
The command to be added
self.all_commands[] = command
for alias in command.aliases:
self.all_commands[alias] = command
def remove_command(self, name: str) -> Optional[Command[Self]]:
"""Removes a command.
name: :class:`str`
The name or alias of the command
The command that was removed
command = self.all_commands.pop(name, None)
if command is not None:
for alias in command.aliases:
self.all_commands.pop(alias, None)
return command
def get_view(self, message: next.Message) -> type[StringView]:
"""Returns the StringView class to use, this can be overwritten to customize how arguments are parsed
The string view class to use
return StringView
def get_context(self, message: next.Message) -> type[Context[Self]]:
"""Returns the Context class to use, this can be overwritten to add extra features to context
The context class to use
return Context[Self]
async def process_commands(self, message: next.Message) -> Any:
"""Processes commands, if you overwrite `Client.on_message` you should manually call this function inside the event.
message: :class:`Message`
The message to process commands on
The return of the command, if any
content = message.content
prefixes = await self.get_prefix(message)
if isinstance(prefixes, str):
prefixes = [prefixes]
for prefix in prefixes:
if content.startswith(prefix):
content = content[len(prefix):]
if not content:
view = self.get_view(message)(content)
command_name = view.get_next_word()
except StopIteration:
context_cls = self.get_context(message)
command = self.get_command(command_name)
except KeyError:
context = context_cls(None, command_name, view, message, self)
return self.dispatch("command_error", context, CommandNotFound(command_name))
context = context_cls(command, command_name, view, message, self)
self.dispatch("command", context)
if not await self.global_check(context):
raise CheckError(f"the global check for the command failed")
if not await context.can_run():
raise CheckError(f"the check(s) for the command failed")
output = await context.invoke()
self.dispatch("after_command_invoke", context, output)
return output
except Exception as e:
await command._error_handler(command.cog or self, context, e)
self.dispatch("command_error", context, e)
async def on_command_error(self, ctx: Context[Self], error: Exception, /) -> None:
traceback.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)
def on_message(self, message: next.Message) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]:
return self.process_commands(message)
async def global_check(self, context: Context[Self]) -> bool:
"""A global check that stops commands from running on certain criteria.
context: :class:`Context`
The context for the invokation of the command
:class:`bool` represents if the command should run or not
return True
def add_cog(self, cog: Cog[Self]) -> None:
"""Adds a cog, this cog must subclass `Cog`.
cog: :class:`Cog`
The cog to be added
def remove_cog(self, cog_name: str) -> Cog[Self]:
"""Removes a cog.
cog_name: :class:`str`
The name of the cog to be removed
The cog that was removed
cog = self.cogs.pop(cog_name)
return cog
def load_extension(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Loads an extension, this takes a module name and runs the setup function inside of it.
name: :class:`str`
The name of the extension to be loaded
extension = import_module(name)
if not isinstance(extension, ExtensionProtocol):
raise MissingSetup(f"'{extension}' is missing a setup function")
self.extensions[name] = extension
def unload_extension(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Unloads an extension, this takes a module name and runs the teardown function inside of it.
name: :class:`str`
The name of the extension to be unloaded
extension = self.extensions.pop(name)
del sys.modules[name]
if teardown := getattr(extension, "teardown", None):
def reload_extension(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Reloads an extension, this will unload and reload the extension.
name: :class:`str`
The name of the extension to be reloaded
def get_cog(self, name: str) -> Cog[Self]:
"""Gets a cog.
name: :class:`str`
The name of the cog to get
The cog that was requested
return self.cogs[name]
def get_extension(self, name: str) -> ExtensionProtocol:
"""Gets an extension.
name: :class:`str`
The name of the extension to get
The extension that was requested
return self.extensions[name]

next/ext/commands/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Generic, Optional, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
from next.errors import NextError
from .command import Command
from .utils import ClientT_D
P = ParamSpec("P")
R = TypeVar("R")
__all__ = ("Cog", "CogMeta")
class CogMeta(type):
_cog_commands: list[Command[Any]]
_cog_listeners: dict[str, list[str]]
qualified_name: str
def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: tuple[type, ...], attrs: dict[str, Any], *, qualified_name: Optional[str] = None, extras: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> Any:
commands: list[Command[Any]] = []
listeners: dict[str, list[str]] = {}
self = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
extras = extras or {}
for base in reversed(self.__mro__):
for key, value in base.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(value, Command):
for extra_key, extra_value in extras.items():
setattr(value, extra_key, extra_value)
elif event_name := getattr(value, "__listener_name", None):
listeners.setdefault(event_name, []).append(key)
self._cog_commands = commands
self._cog_listeners = listeners
self.qualified_name = qualified_name or name
return self
class Cog(Generic[ClientT_D], metaclass=CogMeta):
_cog_commands: list[Command[ClientT_D]]
_cog_listeners: dict[str, list[str]]
qualified_name: str
def cog_load(self) -> None:
"""A special method that is called when the cog gets loaded."""
def cog_unload(self) -> None:
"""A special method that is called when the cog gets removed."""
def _inject(self, client: ClientT_D) -> None:
client.cogs[self.qualified_name] = self
for command in self._cog_commands:
command.cog = self
if command.parent is None:
for key, listeners in self._cog_listeners.items():
for listener_name in listeners:
client.listeners.setdefault(key, []).append(getattr(self, listener_name))
def _uninject(self, client: ClientT_D) -> None:
for name, command in client.all_commands.copy().items():
if command in self._cog_commands:
del client.all_commands[name]
for key, listeners in self._cog_listeners.items():
for listener_name in listeners:
client.listeners[key].remove(getattr(self, listener_name))
def commands(self) -> list[Command[ClientT_D]]:
return self._cog_commands
def listen(name: str | None = None) -> Callable[[Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]]], Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]]]:
def inner(func: Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]]) -> Callable[P, Coroutine[Any, Any, R]]:
if not func.__name__.startswith("on_"):
raise NextError("event name must start with `on_`")
setattr(func, "__listener_name", name or func.__name__[3:])
return func
return inner

View file

@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
import traceback
from contextlib import suppress
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated, Any, Callable, Coroutine,
Generic, Literal, Optional, Union, get_args, get_origin)
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
import sys
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from types import UnionType
UnionTypes = (Union, UnionType)
UnionTypes = (Union,)
from ...utils import maybe_coroutine
from .errors import CommandOnCooldown, InvalidLiteralArgument, UnionConverterError
from .utils import ClientT_Co_D, evaluate_parameters, ClientT_Co
from .cooldown import BucketType, CooldownMapping
from .checks import Check
from .cog import Cog
from .context import Context
from .group import Group
__all__: tuple[str, ...] = (
NoneType: type[None] = type(None)
P = ParamSpec("P")
class Command(Generic[ClientT_Co_D]):
"""Class for holding info about a command.
callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]
The callback for the command
name: :class:`str`
The name of the command
aliases: list[:class:`str`]
The aliases of the command
parent: Optional[:class:`Group`]
The parent of the command if this command is a subcommand
cog: Optional[:class:`Cog`]
The cog the command is apart of.
usage: Optional[:class:`str`]
The usage string for the command
checks: Optional[list[Callable]]
The list of checks the command has
cooldown: Optional[:class:`Cooldown`]
The cooldown for the command to restrict how often the command can be used
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The commands description if it has one
hidden: :class:`bool`
Whether or not the command should be hidden from the help command
__slots__ = ("callback", "name", "aliases", "signature", "checks", "parent", "_error_handler", "cog", "description", "usage", "parameters", "hidden", "cooldown", "cooldown_bucket")
def __init__(
callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]],
name: str,
aliases: list[str] | None = None,
usage: Optional[str] = None,
checks: list[Check[ClientT_Co_D]] | None = None,
cooldown: Optional[CooldownMapping] | None = None,
bucket: Optional[BucketType | Callable[[Context[ClientT_Co_D]], Coroutine[Any, Any, str]]] = None,
description: str | None = None,
hidden: bool = False,
self.callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]] = callback str = name
self.aliases: list[str] = aliases or []
self.usage: str | None = usage
self.signature: inspect.Signature = inspect.signature(self.callback)
self.parameters: list[inspect.Parameter] = evaluate_parameters(self.signature.parameters.values(), getattr(callback, "__globals__", {}))
self.checks: list[Check[ClientT_Co_D]] = checks or getattr(callback, "_checks", [])
self.cooldown: CooldownMapping | None = cooldown or getattr(callback, "_cooldown", None)
self.cooldown_bucket: BucketType | Callable[[Context[ClientT_Co_D]], Coroutine[Any, Any, str]] = bucket or getattr(callback, "_bucket", BucketType.default)
self.parent: Optional[Group[ClientT_Co_D]] = None
self.cog: Optional[Cog[ClientT_Co_D]] = None
self._error_handler: Callable[[Any, Context[ClientT_Co_D], Exception], Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]] = type(self)._default_error_handler
self.description: str | None = description or callback.__doc__
self.hidden: bool = hidden
async def invoke(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
"""Runs the command and calls the error handler if the command errors.
context: :class:`Context`
The context for the command
args: list[:class:`str`]
The arguments for the command
return await self.callback(self.cog or context.client, context, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as err:
return await self._error_handler(self.cog or context.client, context, err)
def __call__(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
return self.invoke(context, *args, **kwargs)
def error(self, func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]) -> Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]:
"""Sets the error handler for the command.
func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]
The function for the error handler
.. code-block:: python3
async def mycommand_error(self, ctx, error):
await ctx.send(str(error))
self._error_handler = func
return func
async def _default_error_handler(self, ctx: Context[ClientT_Co_D], error: Exception):
traceback.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__)
async def handle_origin(cls, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], origin: Any, annotation: Any, arg: str) -> Any:
if origin in UnionTypes:
for converter in get_args(annotation):
return await cls.convert_argument(arg, converter, context)
if converter is NoneType:
return None
raise UnionConverterError(arg)
elif origin is Annotated:
annotated_args = get_args(annotation)
if annotated_args[1] == "_next_greedy_marker":
real_annotation = get_args(annotated_args[0])[0]
converted_args: list[Any] = []
converted_args.append(await cls.convert_argument(arg, real_annotation, context))
for arg in context.view:
converted_args.append(await cls.convert_argument(arg, real_annotation, context))
return converted_args
return await cls.convert_argument(arg, annotated_args[1], context)
elif origin is Literal:
if arg in get_args(annotation):
return arg
raise InvalidLiteralArgument(arg)
async def convert_argument(cls, arg: str, annotation: Any, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D]) -> Any:
if annotation is not inspect.Signature.empty:
if annotation is str: # no converting is needed - its already a string
return arg
origin: Any
if origin := get_origin(annotation):
return await cls.handle_origin(context, origin, annotation, arg)
return await maybe_coroutine(annotation, arg, context)
return arg
async def parse_arguments(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D]) -> None:
# please pr if you can think of a better way to do this
for parameter in self.parameters[2:]:
if parameter.kind == parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
arg = await self.convert_argument(context.view.get_rest(), parameter.annotation, context)
except StopIteration:
if parameter.default is not parameter.empty:
arg = parameter.default
elif is_optional(parameter.annotation):
arg = None
context.kwargs[] = arg
elif parameter.kind == parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
with suppress(StopIteration):
while True:
context.args.append(await self.convert_argument(context.view.get_next_word(), parameter.annotation, context))
elif parameter.kind == parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
rest = context.view.get_next_word()
arg = await self.convert_argument(rest, parameter.annotation, context)
except StopIteration:
if parameter.default is not parameter.empty:
arg = parameter.default
elif is_optional(parameter.annotation):
arg = None
async def run_cooldown(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D]) -> None:
if mapping := self.cooldown:
if isinstance(self.cooldown_bucket, BucketType):
key = self.cooldown_bucket.resolve(context)
key = await self.cooldown_bucket(context)
cooldown = mapping.get_bucket(key)
if retry_after := cooldown.update_cooldown():
raise CommandOnCooldown(retry_after)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} name=\"{}\">"
def short_description(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Returns the first line of the description or None if there is no description."""
if self.description:
return self.description.split("\n")[0]
def get_usage(self) -> str:
"""Returns the usage string for the command."""
if self.usage:
return self.usage
parents: list[str] = []
if self.parent:
parent = self.parent
while parent:
parent = parent.parent
parameters: list[str] = []
for parameter in self.parameters[2:]:
if parameter.kind == parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
if parameter.default is not parameter.empty:
elif parameter.kind == parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY:
if parameter.default is not parameter.empty:
elif parameter.kind == parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL:
return f"{' '.join(parents[::-1])} {} {' '.join(parameters)}"
def is_optional(arg: Any) -> bool:
return get_origin(arg) in UnionTypes and any(arg is NoneType for arg in get_args(arg))
def command(
name: Optional[str] = None,
aliases: Optional[list[str]] = None,
cls: type[Command[ClientT_Co]] = Command,
usage: Optional[str] = None
) -> Callable[[Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]], Command[ClientT_Co]]:
"""A decorator that turns a function into a :class:`Command`.n
name: Optional[:class:`str`]
The name of the command, this defaults to the functions name
aliases: Optional[list[:class:`str`]]
The aliases of the command, defaults to no aliases
cls: type[:class:`Command`]
The class used for creating the command, this defaults to :class:`Command` but can be used to use a custom command subclass
usage: Optional[:class:`str`]
The signature for how the command should be called
Callable[Callable[..., Coroutine], :class:`Command`]
A function that takes the command callback and returns a :class:`Command`
def inner(func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]) -> Command[ClientT_Co]:
return cls(func, name or func.__name__, aliases=aliases or [], usage=usage)
return inner

View file

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, Optional
import next
from next.utils import maybe_coroutine
from .command import Command
from .group import Group
from .utils import ClientT_Co_D
from .view import StringView
from next.state import State
__all__ = (
class Context(next.Messageable, Generic[ClientT_Co_D]):
"""Stores metadata the commands execution.
command: Optional[:class:`Command`]
The command, this can be `None` when no command was found and the error handler is being executed
invoked_with: :class:`str`
The command name that was used, this can be an alias, the commands name or a command that doesnt exist
message: :class:`Message`
The message that was sent to invoke the command
channel: :class:`Messageable`
The channel the command was invoked in
server_id: Optional[:class:`Server`]
The server the command was invoked in
author: Union[:class:`Member`, :class:`User`]
The user or member that invoked the commad, will be :class:`User` in DMs
args: list[:class:`str`]
The positional arguments being passed to the command
kwargs: dict[:class:`str`, Any]
The keyword arguments being passed to the command
client: :class:`CommandsClient`
The next client
__slots__ = ("command", "invoked_with", "args", "message", "channel", "author", "view", "kwargs", "state", "client", "server_id")
async def _get_channel_id(self) -> str:
def __init__(self, command: Optional[Command[ClientT_Co_D]], invoked_with: str, view: StringView, message: next.Message, client: ClientT_Co_D):
self.command: Command[ClientT_Co_D] | None = command
self.invoked_with: str = invoked_with
self.view: StringView = view
self.message: next.Message = message
self.client: ClientT_Co_D = client
self.args: list[Any] = []
self.kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
self.server_id: str | None = message.server_id next.TextChannel | next.GroupDMChannel | next.DMChannel | next.SavedMessageChannel = next.Member | next.User =
self.state: State = message.state
def server(self) -> next.Server:
""":class:`Server` The server this context belongs too
Raises if the context is not from a server
if not self.server_id:
raise LookupError
return self.state.get_server(self.server_id)
async def invoke(self) -> Any:
"""Invokes the command.
.. note:: If the command is `None`, this function will do nothing.
args: list[:class:`str`]
The args being passed to the command
if command := self.command:
if isinstance(command, Group):
subcommand_name = self.view.get_next_word()
except StopIteration:
if subcommand := command.subcommands.get(subcommand_name):
self.command = command = subcommand
return await self.invoke()
await command.run_cooldown(self)
await command.parse_arguments(self)
return await command.invoke(self, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
async def can_run(self, command: Optional[Command[ClientT_Co_D]] = None) -> bool:
"""Runs all of the commands checks, and returns true if all of them pass"""
command = command or self.command
return all([await maybe_coroutine(check, self) for check in (command.checks if command else [])])
async def send_help(self, argument: Command[Any] | Group[Any] | ClientT_Co_D | None = None) -> None:
argument = argument or self.client
command = self.client.get_command("help")
await command.invoke(self, argument)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Annotated, TypeVar
from next import Category, Channel, Member, User, utils
from .context import Context
from .errors import (BadBoolArgument, CategoryConverterError,
ChannelConverterError, MemberConverterError, ServerOnly,
from .client import CommandsClient
T = TypeVar("T")
__all__: tuple[str, ...] = ("bool_converter", "category_converter", "channel_converter", "user_converter", "member_converter", "IntConverter", "BoolConverter", "CategoryConverter", "UserConverter", "MemberConverter", "ChannelConverter", "Greedy")
channel_regex: re.Pattern[str] = re.compile("<#([A-z0-9]{26})>")
user_regex: re.Pattern[str] = re.compile("<@([A-z0-9]{26})>")
ClientT = TypeVar("ClientT", bound="CommandsClient")
def bool_converter(arg: str, _: Context[ClientT]) -> bool:
lowered = arg.lower()
if lowered in ("yes", "true", "ye", "y", "1", "on", "enable"):
return True
elif lowered in ("no", "false", "n", "f", "0", "off", "disabled"):
return False
raise BadBoolArgument(lowered)
def category_converter(arg: str, context: Context[ClientT]) -> Category:
if not context.server_id:
raise ServerOnly
return context.server.get_category(arg)
except LookupError:
return utils.get(context.server.categories, name=arg)
except LookupError:
raise CategoryConverterError(arg)
def channel_converter(arg: str, context: Context[ClientT]) -> Channel:
if not context.server_id:
raise ServerOnly
if (match := channel_regex.match(arg)):
arg =
return context.server.get_channel(arg)
except LookupError:
return utils.get(context.server.channels, name=arg)
except LookupError:
raise ChannelConverterError(arg)
def user_converter(arg: str, context: Context[ClientT]) -> User:
if (match := user_regex.match(arg)):
arg =
return context.client.get_user(arg)
except LookupError:
parts = arg.split("#")
if len(parts) == 1:
return (
utils.get(context.client.users, original_name=arg)
or utils.get(context.client.users, display_name=arg)
elif len(parts) == 2:
return (
utils.get(context.client.users, original_name=parts[0], discriminator=parts[1])
or utils.get(context.client.users, display_name=parts[0], discriminator=parts[1])
raise LookupError
except LookupError:
raise UserConverterError(arg)
def member_converter(arg: str, context: Context[ClientT]) -> Member:
if not context.server_id:
raise ServerOnly
if (match := user_regex.match(arg)):
arg =
return context.server.get_member(arg)
except LookupError:
parts = arg.split("#")
if len(parts) == 1:
return (
utils.get(context.server.members, original_name=arg)
or utils.get(context.server.members, display_name=arg)
elif len(parts) == 2:
return (
utils.get(context.server.members, original_name=parts[0], discriminator=parts[1])
or utils.get(context.server.members, display_name=parts[0], discriminator=parts[1])
raise LookupError
except LookupError:
raise MemberConverterError(arg)
def int_converter(arg: str, context: Context[ClientT]) -> int:
return int(arg)
IntConverter = Annotated[int, int_converter]
BoolConverter = Annotated[bool, bool_converter]
CategoryConverter = Annotated[Category, category_converter]
UserConverter = Annotated[User, user_converter]
MemberConverter = Annotated[Member, member_converter]
ChannelConverter = Annotated[Channel, channel_converter]
Greedy = Annotated[list[T], "_next_greedy_marker"]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Coroutine, TypeVar, cast
from .errors import ServerOnly
from enum import Enum
from .context import Context
from .utils import ClientT_Co_D, ClientT_Co
from aenum import Enum
__all__ = ("Cooldown", "CooldownMapping", "BucketType", "cooldown")
T = TypeVar("T")
class Cooldown:
"""Represent a single cooldown for a single key
rate: :class:`int`
How many times it can be used
per: :class:`int`
How long the window is before the ratelimit resets
def __init__(self, rate: int, per: int):
self.rate: int = rate
self.per: int = per
self.window: float = 0.0
self.tokens: int = rate
self.last: float = 0.0
def get_tokens(self, current: float | None) -> int:
current = current or time.time()
if current > (self.window + self.per):
return self.rate
return self.tokens
def update_cooldown(self) -> float | None:
current = time.time()
self.last = current
self.tokens = self.get_tokens(current)
if self.tokens == 0:
return self.per - (current - self.window)
self.tokens -= 1
if self.tokens == 0:
self.window = current
return None
class CooldownMapping:
"""Holds all cooldowns for every key"""
def __init__(self, rate: int, per: int):
self.rate = rate
self.per = per
self.cache: dict[str, Cooldown] = {}
def verify_cache(self) -> None:
current = time.time()
self.cache = {k: v for k, v in self.cache.items() if current < (v.last + v.per)}
def get_bucket(self, key: str) -> Cooldown:
if not (rl := self.cache.get(key)):
self.cache[key] = rl = Cooldown(self.rate, self.per)
return rl
class BucketType(Enum):
default = 0
user = 1
server = 2
channel = 3
member = 4
def resolve(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D]) -> str:
if self == BucketType.default:
return f"{}{}"
elif self == BucketType.user:
elif self == BucketType.server:
if id := context.server_id:
return id
raise ServerOnly
elif self ==
else: # BucketType.member
if server_id := context.server_id:
return f"{}{server_id}"
raise ServerOnly
def cooldown(rate: int, per: int, *, bucket: BucketType | Callable[[Context[ClientT_Co]], Coroutine[Any, Any, str]] = BucketType.default) -> Callable[[T], T]:
"""Adds a cooldown to a command
rate: :class:`int`
How many times it can be used
per: :class:`int`
How long the window is before the ratelimit resets
bucket: Optional[Union[:class:`BucketType`, Callable[[Context], str]]]
Controls how the key is generated for the cooldowns
.. code-block:: python
@commands.cooldown(1, 5)
async def ping(self, ctx: Context):
await ctx.send("Pong")
def inner(func: T) -> T:
from .command import Command
if isinstance(func, Command):
command = cast(Command[ClientT_Co], func) # cant verify generic at runtime so must cast
command.cooldown = CooldownMapping(rate, per)
command.cooldown_bucket = bucket
func._cooldown = CooldownMapping(rate, per) # type: ignore
func._bucket = bucket # type: ignore
return func
return inner

next/ext/commands/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
from next import NextError
__all__ = (
class CommandError(NextError):
"""base error for all command's related errors"""
class CommandNotFound(CommandError):
"""Raised when a command isnt found.
command_name: :class:`str`
The name of the command that wasnt found
__slots__ = ("command_name",)
def __init__(self, command_name: str):
self.command_name: str = command_name
class NoClosingQuote(CommandError):
"""Raised when there is no closing quote for a command argument"""
class CheckError(CommandError):
"""Raised when a check fails for a command"""
class NotBotOwner(CheckError):
"""Raised when the `is_bot_owner` check fails"""
class NotServerOwner(CheckError):
"""Raised when the `is_server_owner` check fails"""
class ServerOnly(CheckError):
"""Raised when a check requires the command to be ran in a server"""
class MissingPermissionsError(CheckError):
"""Raised when a check requires permissions the user does not have
permissions: :class:`dict[str, bool]`
The permissions which the user did not have
def __init__(self, permissions: dict[str, bool]):
self.permissions = permissions
class ConverterError(CommandError):
"""Base class for all converter errors"""
class InvalidLiteralArgument(ConverterError):
"""Raised when the argument is not a valid literal argument"""
class BadBoolArgument(ConverterError):
"""Raised when the bool converter fails"""
class CategoryConverterError(ConverterError):
"""Raised when the Category conveter fails"""
def __init__(self, argument: str):
self.argument = argument
class ChannelConverterError(ConverterError):
"""Raised when the Channel conveter fails"""
def __init__(self, argument: str):
self.argument = argument
class UserConverterError(ConverterError):
"""Raised when the Category conveter fails"""
def __init__(self, argument: str):
self.argument = argument
class MemberConverterError(ConverterError):
"""Raised when the Category conveter fails"""
def __init__(self, argument: str):
self.argument = argument
class UnionConverterError(ConverterError):
"""Raised when all converters in a union fails"""
def __init__(self, argument: str):
self.argument = argument
class MissingSetup(CommandError):
"""Raised when an extension is missing the `setup` function"""
class CommandOnCooldown(CommandError):
"""Raised when a command is on cooldown
retry_after: :class:`float`
How long the user must wait until the cooldown resets
__slots__ = ("retry_after",)
def __init__(self, retry_after: float):
self.retry_after: float = retry_after

next/ext/commands/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Optional
from .command import Command
from .utils import ClientT_Co_D, ClientT_D
__all__ = (
class Group(Command[ClientT_Co_D]):
"""Class for holding info about a group command.
callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]
The callback for the group command
name: :class:`str`
The name of the command
aliases: list[:class:`str`]
The aliases of the group command
subcommands: dict[:class:`str`, :class:`Command`]
The group's subcommands.
__slots__: tuple[str, ...] = ("subcommands",)
def __init__(self, callback: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]], name: str, aliases: list[str]):
self.subcommands: dict[str, Command[ClientT_Co_D]] = {}
super().__init__(callback, name, aliases=aliases)
def command(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, aliases: Optional[list[str]] = None, cls: type[Command[ClientT_Co_D]] = Command[ClientT_Co_D]) -> Callable[[Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]], Command[ClientT_Co_D]]:
"""A decorator that turns a function into a :class:`Command` and registers the command as a subcommand.
name: Optional[:class:`str`]
The name of the command, this defaults to the functions name
aliases: Optional[list[:class:`str`]]
The aliases of the command, defaults to no aliases
cls: type[:class:`Command`]
The class used for creating the command, this defaults to :class:`Command` but can be used to use a custom command subclass
Callable[Callable[..., Coroutine], :class:`Command`]
A function that takes the command callback and returns a :class:`Command`
def inner(func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]):
command = cls(func, name or func.__name__, aliases=aliases or [])
command.parent = self
self.subcommands[] = command
for alias in command.aliases:
self.subcommands[alias] = command
return command
return inner
def group(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, aliases: Optional[list[str]] = None, cls: Optional[type[Group[ClientT_Co_D]]] = None) -> Callable[[Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]], Group[ClientT_Co_D]]:
"""A decorator that turns a function into a :class:`Group` and registers the command as a subcommand
name: Optional[:class:`str`]
The name of the group command, this defaults to the functions name
aliases: Optional[list[:class:`str`]]
The aliases of the group command, defaults to no aliases
cls: type[:class:`Group`]
The class used for creating the command, this defaults to :class:`Group` but can be used to use a custom group subclass
Callable[Callable[..., Coroutine], :class:`Group`]
A function that takes the command callback and returns a :class:`Group`
cls = cls or type(self)
def inner(func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]):
command = cls(func, name or func.__name__, aliases or [])
command.parent = self
self.subcommands[] = command
for alias in command.aliases:
self.subcommands[alias] = command
return command
return inner
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Group name=\"{}\">"
def commands(self) -> list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]:
"""Gets all commands registered
The registered commands
return list(set(self.subcommands.values()))
def get_command(self, name: str) -> Command[ClientT_Co_D]:
"""Gets a command.
name: :class:`str`
The name or alias of the command
The command with the name
return self.subcommands[name]
def add_command(self, command: Command[ClientT_Co_D]) -> None:
"""Adds a command, this is typically only used for dynamic commands, you should use the `commands.command` decorator for most usecases.
name: :class:`str`
The name or alias of the command
command: :class:`Command`
The command to be added
self.subcommands[] = command
for alias in command.aliases:
self.subcommands[alias] = command
def remove_command(self, name: str) -> Optional[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]:
"""Removes a command.
name: :class:`str`
The name or alias of the command
The command that was removed
command = self.subcommands.pop(name, None)
if command is not None:
for alias in command.aliases:
self.subcommands.pop(alias, None)
return command
def group(*, name: Optional[str] = None, aliases: Optional[list[str]] = None, cls: type[Group[ClientT_D]] = Group) -> Callable[[Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]], Group[ClientT_D]]:
"""A decorator that turns a function into a :class:`Group`
name: Optional[:class:`str`]
The name of the group command, this defaults to the functions name
aliases: Optional[list[:class:`str`]]
The aliases of the group command, defaults to no aliases
cls: type[:class:`Group`]
The class used for creating the command, this defaults to :class:`Group` but can be used to use a custom group subclass
Callable[Callable[..., Coroutine], :class:`Group`]
A function that takes the command callback and returns a :class:`Group`
def inner(func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, Any]]):
return cls(func, name or func.__name__, aliases or [])
return inner

next/ext/commands/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, Optional, TypedDict, Union, cast
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .cog import Cog
from .command import Command
from .context import Context
from .group import Group
from .utils import ClientT_Co_D, ClientT_D
from next import File, Message, Messageable, MessageReply, SendableEmbed
from .cog import Cog
__all__ = ("MessagePayload", "HelpCommand", "DefaultHelpCommand", "help_command_impl")
class MessagePayload(TypedDict):
content: str
embed: NotRequired[SendableEmbed]
embeds: NotRequired[list[SendableEmbed]]
attachments: NotRequired[list[File]]
replies: NotRequired[list[MessageReply]]
class HelpCommand(ABC, Generic[ClientT_Co_D]):
async def create_global_help(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], commands: dict[Optional[Cog[ClientT_Co_D]], list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]]) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
raise NotImplementedError
async def create_command_help(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], command: Command[ClientT_Co_D]) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
raise NotImplementedError
async def create_group_help(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], group: Group[ClientT_Co_D]) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
raise NotImplementedError
async def create_cog_help(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], cog: Cog[ClientT_Co_D]) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
raise NotImplementedError
async def send_help_command(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], message_payload: MessagePayload) -> Message:
return await context.send(**message_payload)
async def filter_commands(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], commands: list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]) -> list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]:
filtered: list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]] = []
for command in commands:
if command.hidden:
if await context.can_run(command):
except Exception:
return filtered
async def group_commands(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], commands: list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]) -> dict[Optional[Cog[ClientT_Co_D]], list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]]:
cogs: dict[Optional[Cog[ClientT_Co_D]], list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]] = {}
for command in commands:
cogs.setdefault(command.cog, []).append(command)
return cogs
async def handle_message(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], message: Message) -> None:
async def get_channel(self, context: Context) -> Messageable:
return context
async def handle_no_command_found(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], name: str) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
raise NotImplementedError
class DefaultHelpCommand(HelpCommand[ClientT_Co_D]):
def __init__(self, default_cog_name: str = "No Cog"):
self.default_cog_name = default_cog_name
async def create_global_help(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], commands: dict[Optional[Cog[ClientT_Co_D]], list[Command[ClientT_Co_D]]]) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
lines = ["```"]
for cog, cog_commands in commands.items():
cog_lines: list[str] = []
cog_lines.append(f"{cog.qualified_name if cog else self.default_cog_name}:")
for command in cog_commands:
cog_lines.append(f" {} - {command.short_description or 'No description'}")
return "\n".join(lines)
async def create_cog_help(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], cog: Cog[ClientT_Co_D]) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
lines = ["```"]
for command in cog.commands:
lines.append(f" {} - {command.short_description or 'No description'}")
return "\n".join(lines)
async def create_command_help(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], command: Command[ClientT_Co_D]) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
lines = ["```"]
lines.append(f" Usage: {command.get_usage()}")
if command.aliases:
lines.append(f" Aliases: {', '.join(command.aliases)}")
if command.description:
return "\n".join(lines)
async def create_group_help(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], group: Group[ClientT_Co_D]) -> Union[str, SendableEmbed, MessagePayload]:
lines = ["```"]
lines.append(f" Usage: {group.get_usage()}")
if group.aliases:
lines.append(f" Aliases: {', '.join(group.aliases)}")
if group.description:
for command in group.commands:
lines.append(f" {} - {command.short_description or 'No description'}")
return "\n".join(lines)
async def handle_no_command_found(self, context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], name: str) -> str:
return f"Command `{name}` not found."
class HelpCommandImpl(Command[ClientT_Co_D]):
def __init__(self, client: ClientT_Co_D):
self.client = client
async def callback(_: Union[ClientT_Co_D, Cog[ClientT_Co_D]], context: Context[ClientT_Co_D], *args: str) -> None:
await help_command_impl(context.client, context, *args)
super().__init__(callback=callback, name="help", aliases=[])
self.description: str | None = "Shows help for a command, cog or the entire bot"
async def help_command_impl(client: ClientT_D, context: Context[ClientT_D], *arguments: str) -> None:
help_command = client.help_command
if not help_command:
filtered_commands = await help_command.filter_commands(context, client.commands)
commands = await help_command.group_commands(context, filtered_commands)
if not arguments:
payload = await help_command.create_global_help(context, commands)
parent: ClientT_D | Group[ClientT_D] = client
for param in arguments:
command = parent.get_command(param)
except LookupError:
cog = client.get_cog(param)
except LookupError:
payload = await help_command.handle_no_command_found(context, param)
payload = await help_command.create_cog_help(context, cog)
if isinstance(command, Group):
command = cast(Group[ClientT_D], command)
parent = command
payload = await help_command.create_command_help(context, command)
command = cast(Command[ClientT_D], ...)
if isinstance(command, Group):
payload = await help_command.create_group_help(context, command)
payload = await help_command.create_command_help(context, command)
payload = cast(MessagePayload, ...)
msg_payload: MessagePayload
if isinstance(payload, str):
msg_payload = {"content": payload}
elif isinstance(payload, SendableEmbed):
msg_payload = {"embed": payload, "content": " "}
msg_payload = payload
message = await help_command.send_help_command(context, msg_payload)
await help_command.handle_message(context, message)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from inspect import Parameter
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable
from typing_extensions import TypeVar
from .client import CommandsClient
from .context import Context
__all__ = ("evaluate_parameters",)
ClientT_Co = TypeVar("ClientT_Co", bound="CommandsClient", covariant=True)
ClientT_D = TypeVar("ClientT_D", bound="CommandsClient", default="CommandsClient")
ClientT_Co_D = TypeVar("ClientT_Co_D", bound="CommandsClient", default="CommandsClient", covariant=True)
ContextT = TypeVar("ContextT", bound="Context", default="Context")
def evaluate_parameters(parameters: Iterable[Parameter], globals: dict[str, Any]) -> list[Parameter]:
new_parameters: list[Parameter] = []
for parameter in parameters:
if parameter.annotation is not parameter.empty:
if isinstance(parameter.annotation, str):
parameter = parameter.replace(annotation=eval(parameter.annotation, globals))
return new_parameters

next/ext/commands/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
from typing import Iterator
from typing_extensions import Self
from .errors import NoClosingQuote
class StringView:
def __init__(self, string: str):
self.value: Iterator[str] = iter(string)
self.temp: str = ""
self.should_undo: bool = False
def undo(self) -> None:
self.should_undo = True
def next_char(self) -> str:
return next(self.value)
def get_rest(self) -> str:
if self.should_undo:
return f"{self.temp} {''.join(self.value)}".rstrip()
# prevent a new space appearing at end if the buffer is depleted
return "".join(self.value)
def get_next_word(self) -> str:
if self.should_undo:
self.should_undo = False
return self.temp
char = self.next_char()
temp: list[str] = []
while char == " ":
char = self.next_char()
if char in ["\"", "'"]:
quote = char
while (char := self.next_char()) != quote:
except StopIteration:
raise NoClosingQuote
while (char := self.next_char()) not in " \n":
except StopIteration:
output = "".join(temp)
self.temp = output
return output
def __iter__(self) -> Self:
return self
def __next__(self) -> str:
return self.get_next_word()

next/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import io
from typing import Optional, Union, cast
__all__ = ("File",)
class File:
"""Respresents a file about to be uploaded to next
file: Union[str, bytes]
The name of the file or the content of the file in bytes, text files will be need to be encoded
filename: Optional[str]
The filename of the file when being uploaded, this will default to the name of the file if one exists
spoiler: bool
Determines if the file will be a spoiler, this prefexes the filename with `SPOILER_`
__slots__ = ("f", "spoiler", "filename")
def __init__(self, file: Union[str, bytes], *, filename: Optional[str] = None, spoiler: bool = False):
self.f: io.BufferedIOBase
if isinstance(file, str):
self.f = open(file, "rb")
self.f = io.BytesIO(file)
if filename is None and isinstance(file, str):
filename = cast(Optional[str],
self.spoiler: bool = spoiler or (bool(filename) and filename.startswith("SPOILER_"))
if self.spoiler and (filename and not filename.startswith("SPOILER_")):
filename = f"SPOILER_{filename}"
self.filename: str | None = filename

next/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, Iterator, Optional, Union, overload
from typing_extensions import Self
__all__ = ("Flag", "Flags", "UserBadges")
class Flag:
__slots__ = ("flag", "__doc__")
def __init__(self, func: Callable[[], int]):
self.flag: int = func()
self.__doc__: str | None = func.__doc__
def __get__(self: Self, instance: None, owner: type[Flags]) -> Self:
def __get__(self, instance: Flags, owner: type[Flags]) -> bool:
def __get__(self: Self, instance: Optional[Flags], owner: type[Flags]) -> Union[Self, bool]:
if instance is None:
return self
return instance._check_flag(self.flag)
def __set__(self, instance: Flags, value: bool) -> None:
instance._set_flag(self.flag, value)
class Flags:
FLAG_NAMES: list[str]
def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None:
cls.FLAG_NAMES = []
for name in dir(cls):
value = getattr(cls, name)
if isinstance(value, Flag):
def __init__(self, value: int = 0, **flags: bool):
self.value = value
for k, v in flags.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
def _from_value(cls, value: int) -> Self:
self = cls.__new__(cls)
self.value = value
return self
def _check_flag(self, flag: int) -> bool:
return (self.value & flag) == flag
def _set_flag(self, flag: int, value: bool) -> None:
if value:
self.value |= flag
self.value &= ~flag
def __eq__(self, other: Self) -> bool:
return self.value == other.value
def __ne__(self, other: Self) -> bool:
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __or__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
return self.__class__._from_value(self.value | other.value)
def __and__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
return self.__class__._from_value(self.value & other.value)
def __invert__(self) -> Self:
return self.__class__._from_value(~self.value)
def __add__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
return self | other
def __sub__(self, other: Self) -> Self:
return self & ~other
def __lt__(self, other: Self) -> bool:
return self.value < other.value
def __gt__(self, other: Self) -> bool:
return self.value > other.value
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} value={self.value}>"
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, bool]]:
for name, value in self.__class__.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(value, Flag):
yield name, self._check_flag(value.flag)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.value)
class UserBadges(Flags):
"""Contains all user badges"""
def developer():
""":class:`bool` The developer badge."""
return 1 << 0
def translator():
""":class:`bool` The translator badge."""
return 1 << 1
def supporter():
""":class:`bool` The supporter badge."""
return 1 << 2
def responsible_disclosure():
""":class:`bool` The responsible disclosure badge."""
return 1 << 3
def founder():
""":class:`bool` The founder badge."""
return 1 << 4
def platform_moderation():
""":class:`bool` The platform moderation badge."""
return 1 << 5
def active_supporter():
""":class:`bool` The active supporter badge."""
return 1 << 6
def bug_hunter():
""":class:`bool` The bug hunter badge."""
return 1 << 7
def early_adopter():
""":class:`bool` The early adopter badge."""
return 1 << 8
def reserved_relevant_joke_badge_1():
""":class:`bool` The reserved relevant joke badge 1 badge."""
return 1 << 9

next/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Coroutine, Literal, Optional, TypeVar,
Union, overload)
import aiohttp
import ulid
from .errors import Forbidden, HTTPError, ServerError
from .file import File
import ujson as _json
except ImportError:
import json as _json
import aiohttp
from .enums import SortType
from .file import File
from .types import Autumn as AutumnPayload
from .types import Emoji as EmojiPayload
from .types import Interactions as InteractionsPayload
from .types import Masquerade as MasqueradePayload
from .types import Member as MemberPayload
from .types import Message as MessagePayload
from .types import SendableEmbed as SendableEmbedPayload
from .types import User as UserPayload
from .types import (Server, ServerBans, TextChannel, UserProfile, VoiceChannel, Member, Invite, ApiInfo, Channel, SavedMessages,
DMChannel, EmojiParent, GetServerMembers, GroupDMChannel, MessageReplyPayload, MessageWithUserData, PartialInvite, CreateRole)
__all__ = ("HttpClient",)
T = TypeVar("T")
Request = Coroutine[Any, Any, T]
class HttpClient:
__slots__ = ("session", "token", "api_url", "api_info", "auth_header")
def __init__(self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, token: str, api_url: str, api_info: ApiInfo, bot: bool = True):
self.session: aiohttp.ClientSession = session
self.token: str = token
self.api_url: str = api_url
self.api_info: ApiInfo = api_info
self.auth_header: str = "x-bot-token" if bot else "x-session-token"
async def request(self, method: Literal["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"], route: str, *, json: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, nonce: bool = True, params: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Any:
url = f"{self.api_url}{route}"
kwargs = {}
headers = {
"User-Agent": " (",
self.auth_header: self.token
if json:
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
if nonce:
json["nonce"] = # type: ignore
kwargs["data"] = _json.dumps(json)
kwargs["headers"] = headers
if params:
kwargs["params"] = params
async with self.session.request(method, url, **kwargs) as resp:
text = await resp.text()
if text:
response = _json.loads(await resp.text())
except ValueError:
raise HTTPError(f"Invalid json response:\n{text}") from None
response = text
resp_code = resp.status
if 200 <= resp_code <= 300:
return response
elif resp_code == 401:
raise Forbidden("401: Missing Permissions")
raise HTTPError(resp_code)
async def upload_file(self, file: File, tag: Literal["attachments", "avatars", "backgrounds", "icons", "banners", "emojis"]) -> AutumnPayload:
url = f"{self.api_info['features']['autumn']['url']}/{tag}"
headers = {
"User-Agent": " ("
form = aiohttp.FormData()
form.add_field("file",, filename=file.filename)
async with, data=form, headers=headers) as resp:
response: AutumnPayload = _json.loads(await resp.text())
resp_code = resp.status
if resp_code == 400:
raise HTTPError(response)
elif 500 <= resp_code <= 600:
raise ServerError
return response
async def send_message(self, channel: str, content: Optional[str], embeds: Optional[list[SendableEmbedPayload]], attachments: Optional[list[File]], replies: Optional[list[MessageReplyPayload]], masquerade: Optional[MasqueradePayload], interactions: Optional[InteractionsPayload]) -> MessagePayload:
json: dict[str, Any] = {}
if content:
json["content"] = content
if embeds:
json["embeds"] = embeds
if attachments:
attachment_ids: list[str] = []
for attachment in attachments:
data = await self.upload_file(attachment, "attachments")
json["attachments"] = attachment_ids
if replies:
json["replies"] = replies
if masquerade:
json["masquerade"] = masquerade
if interactions:
json["interactions"] = interactions
return await self.request("POST", f"/channels/{channel}/messages", json=json)
def edit_message(self, channel: str, message: str, content: Optional[str], embeds: Optional[list[SendableEmbedPayload]] = None) -> Request[None]:
json: dict[str, Any] = {}
if content is not None:
json["content"] = content
if embeds is not None:
json["embeds"] = embeds
return self.request("PATCH", f"/channels/{channel}/messages/{message}", json=json)
def delete_message(self, channel: str, message: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/channels/{channel}/messages/{message}")
def fetch_message(self, channel: str, message: str) -> Request[MessagePayload]:
return self.request("GET", f"/channels/{channel}/messages/{message}")
def fetch_messages(
channel: str,
sort: SortType,
limit: Optional[int] = ...,
before: Optional[str] = ...,
after: Optional[str] = ...,
nearby: Optional[str] = ...,
include_users: Literal[False] = ...
) -> Request[list[MessagePayload]]:
def fetch_messages(
channel: str,
sort: SortType,
limit: Optional[int] = ...,
before: Optional[str] = ...,
after: Optional[str] = ...,
nearby: Optional[str] = ...,
include_users: Literal[True] = ...
) -> Request[MessageWithUserData]:
def fetch_messages(
channel: str,
sort: SortType,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
before: Optional[str] = None,
after: Optional[str] = None,
nearby: Optional[str] = None,
include_users: bool = False
) -> Request[Union[list[MessagePayload], MessageWithUserData]]:
json: dict[str, Any] = {"sort": sort.value, "include_users": str(include_users)}
if limit:
json["limit"] = limit
if before:
json["before"] = before
if after:
json["after"] = after
if nearby:
json["nearby"] = nearby
return self.request("GET", f"/channels/{channel}/messages", params=json)
def search_messages(
channel: str,
query: str,
limit: Optional[int] = ...,
before: Optional[str] = ...,
after: Optional[str] = ...,
sort: Optional[SortType] = ...,
include_users: Literal[False] = ...
) -> Request[list[MessagePayload]]:
def search_messages(
channel: str,
query: str,
limit: Optional[int] = ...,
before: Optional[str] = ...,
after: Optional[str] = ...,
sort: Optional[SortType] = ...,
include_users: Literal[True] = ...
) -> Request[MessageWithUserData]:
def search_messages(
channel: str,
query: str,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
before: Optional[str] = None,
after: Optional[str] = None,
sort: Optional[SortType] = None,
include_users: bool = False
) -> Request[Union[list[MessagePayload], MessageWithUserData]]:
json: dict[str, Any] = {"query": query, "include_users": include_users}
if limit:
json["limit"] = limit
if before:
json["before"] = before
if after:
json["after"] = after
if sort:
json["sort"] = sort.value
return self.request("POST", f"/channels/{channel}/search", json=json)
async def request_file(self, url: str) -> bytes:
async with self.session.get(url) as resp:
return await
def fetch_user(self, user_id: str) -> Request[UserPayload]:
return self.request("GET", f"/users/{user_id}")
def fetch_profile(self, user_id: str) -> Request[UserProfile]:
return self.request("GET", f"/users/{user_id}/profile")
def fetch_default_avatar(self, user_id: str) -> Request[bytes]:
return self.request_file(f"{self.api_url}/users/{user_id}/default_avatar")
def fetch_dm_channels(self) -> Request[list[Union[DMChannel, GroupDMChannel]]]:
return self.request("GET", "/users/dms")
def open_dm(self, user_id: str) -> Request[DMChannel | SavedMessages]:
return self.request("GET", f"/users/{user_id}/dm")
def fetch_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> Request[Channel]:
return self.request("GET", f"/channels/{channel_id}")
def close_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/channels/{channel_id}")
def fetch_server(self, server_id: str) -> Request[Server]:
return self.request("GET", f"/servers/{server_id}")
def delete_leave_server(self, server_id: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/servers/{server_id}")
def create_channel(self, server_id: str, channel_type: Literal["Text"], name: str, description: Optional[str]) -> Request[TextChannel]:
def create_channel(self, server_id: str, channel_type: Literal["Voice"], name: str, description: Optional[str]) -> Request[VoiceChannel]:
def create_channel(self, server_id: str, channel_type: Literal["Text", "Voice"], name: str, description: Optional[str]) -> Request[Union[TextChannel, VoiceChannel]]:
payload = {
"type": channel_type,
"name": name
if description:
payload["description"] = description
return self.request("POST", f"/servers/{server_id}/channels", json=payload)
def fetch_server_invites(self, server_id: str) -> Request[list[PartialInvite]]:
return self.request("GET", f"/servers/{server_id}/invites")
def fetch_member(self, server_id: str, member_id: str) -> Request[Member]:
return self.request("GET", f"/servers/{server_id}/members/{member_id}")
def kick_member(self, server_id: str, member_id: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/servers/{server_id}/members/{member_id}")
def fetch_members(self, server_id: str) -> Request[GetServerMembers]:
return self.request("GET", f"/servers/{server_id}/members")
def ban_member(self, server_id: str, member_id: str, reason: Optional[str]) -> Request[GetServerMembers]:
payload = {"reason": reason} if reason else None
return self.request("PUT", f"/servers/{server_id}/bans/{member_id}", json=payload, nonce=False)
def unban_member(self, server_id: str, member_id: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/servers/{server_id}/bans/{member_id}")
def fetch_bans(self, server_id: str) -> Request[ServerBans]:
return self.request("GET", f"/servers/{server_id}/bans")
def create_role(self, server_id: str, name: str) -> Request[CreateRole]:
return self.request("POST", f"/servers/{server_id}/roles", json={"name": name}, nonce=False)
def delete_role(self, server_id: str, role_id: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/servers/{server_id}/roles/{role_id}")
def fetch_invite(self, code: str) -> Request[Invite]:
return self.request("GET", f"/invites/{code}")
def delete_invite(self, code: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/invites/{code}")
def edit_channel(self, channel_id: str, remove: list[str] | None, values: dict[str, Any]) -> Request[None]:
if remove:
values["remove"] = remove
return self.request("PATCH", f"/channels/{channel_id}", json=values)
def edit_role(self, server_id: str, role_id: str, remove: list[str] | None, values: dict[str, Any]) -> Request[None]:
if remove:
values["remove"] = remove
return self.request("PATCH", f"/servers/{server_id}/roles/{role_id}", json=values)
async def edit_self(self, remove: list[str] | None, values: dict[str, Any]) -> Request[None]:
if remove:
values["remove"] = remove
if avatar := values.get("avatar"):
asset = await self.upload_file(avatar, "avatars")
values["avatar"] = asset["id"]
if profile := values.get("profile"):
if background := profile.background():
asset = await self.upload_file(background, "backgrounds")
profile["background"] = asset["id"]
return await self.request("PATCH", "/users/@me", json=values)
def set_guild_channel_default_permissions(self, channel_id: str, allow: int, deny: int) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("PUT", f"/channels/{channel_id}/permissions/default", json={"permissions": {"allow": allow, "deny": deny}})
def set_guild_channel_role_permissions(self, channel_id: str, role_id: str, allow: int, deny: int) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("PUT", f"/channels/{channel_id}/permissions/{role_id}", json={"permissions": {"allow": allow, "deny": deny}})
def set_group_channel_default_permissions(self, channel_id: str, value: int) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("PUT", f"/channels/{channel_id}/permissions/default", json={"permissions": value})
def set_server_role_permissions(self, server_id: str, role_id: str, allow: int, deny: int) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("PUT", f"/servers/{server_id}/permissions/{role_id}", json={"permissions": {"allow": allow, "deny": deny}})
def set_server_default_permissions(self, server_id: str, value: int) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("PUT", f"/servers/{server_id}/permissions/default", json={"permissions": value})
def add_reaction(self, channel_id: str, message_id: str, emoji: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("PUT", f"/channels/{channel_id}/messages/{message_id}/reactions/{emoji}")
def remove_reaction(self, channel_id: str, message_id: str, emoji: str, user_id: Optional[str], remove_all: bool) -> Request[None]:
parameters: dict[str, str] = {}
if user_id:
parameters["user_id"] = user_id
parameters["remove_all"] = "true" if remove_all else "false"
return self.request("DELETE", f"/channels/{channel_id}/messages/{message_id}/reactions/{emoji}", params=parameters)
def remove_all_reactions(self, channel_id: str, message_id: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/channels/{channel_id}/messages/{message_id}/reactions")
def delete_emoji(self, emoji_id: str) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}")
def fetch_emoji(self, emoji_id: str) -> Request[EmojiPayload]:
return self.request("GET", f"/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}")
async def create_emoji(self, name: str, file: File, nsfw: bool, parent: EmojiParent) -> EmojiPayload:
asset = await self.upload_file(file, "emojis")
return await self.request("PUT", f"/custom/emoji/{asset['id']}", json={"name": name, "parent": parent, "nsfw": nsfw})
def edit_member(self, server_id: str, member_id: str, remove: list[str] | None, values: dict[str, Any]) -> Request[MemberPayload]:
if remove:
values["remove"] = remove
return self.request("PATCH", f"/servers/{server_id}/members/{member_id}", json=values)
def delete_messages(self, channel_id: str, messages: list[str]) -> Request[None]:
return self.request("DELETE", f"/channels/{channel_id}/messages/bulk", json={"ids": messages})

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from .asset import Asset
from .utils import Ulid
from .state import State
from .channel import Channel
from .server import Server
from .types import Invite as InvitePayload
from .user import User
__all__ = ("Invite",)
class Invite(Ulid):
"""Represents a server invite.
code: :class:`str`
The code for the invite
id: :class:`str`
Alias for :attr:`code`
server: :class:`Server`
The server this invite is for
channel: :class:`Channel`
The channel this invite is for
user_name: :class:`str`
The name of the user who made the invite
user: Optional[:class:`User`]
The user who made the invite, this is only set if this was fetched via :meth:`Server.fetch_invites`
user_avatar: Optional[:class:`Asset`]
The invite creator's avatar, if any
member_count: :class:`int`
The member count of the server this invite is for
__slots__ = ("state", "code", "id", "server", "channel", "user_name", "user_avatar", "user", "member_count")
def __init__(self, data: InvitePayload, code: str, state: State):
self.state: State = state
self.code: str = code str = code
self.server: Server = state.get_server(data["server_id"]) Channel = self.server.get_channel(data["channel_id"])
self.user_name: str = data["user_name"]
self.user: User | None = None
self.user_avatar: Asset | None
if avatar := data.get("user_avatar"):
self.user_avatar = Asset(avatar, state)
self.user_avatar = None
self.member_count: int = data["member_count"]
def _from_partial(code: str, server: str, creator: str, channel: str, state: State) -> Invite:
invite = Invite.__new__(Invite)
invite.state = state
invite.code = code
invite.server = state.get_server(server) = state.get_channel(channel)
invite.user = state.get_user(creator)
invite.user_name =
invite.user_avatar = invite.user.avatar
invite.member_count = len(invite.server.members)
return invite
async def delete(self) -> None:
"""Deletes the invite"""
await self.state.http.delete_invite(self.code)

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@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
from .utils import _Missing, Missing, parse_timestamp
from .asset import Asset
from .permissions import Permissions
from .permissions_calculator import calculate_permissions
from .user import User
from .file import File
from .channel import Channel
from .server import Server
from .state import State
from .types import File as FilePayload
from .types import Member as MemberPayload
from .role import Role
__all__ = ("Member",)
def flattern_user(member: Member, user: User) -> None:
for attr in user.__flattern_attributes__:
setattr(member, attr, getattr(user, attr))
class Member(User):
"""Represents a member of a server, subclasses :class:`User`
nickname: Optional[:class:`str`]
The nickname of the member if any
roles: list[:class:`Role`]
The roles of the member, ordered by the role's rank in decending order
server: :class:`Server`
The server the member belongs to
guild_avatar: Optional[:class:`Asset`]
The member's guild avatar if any
__slots__ = ("state", "nickname", "roles", "server", "guild_avatar", "joined_at", "current_timeout")
def __init__(self, data: MemberPayload, server: Server, state: State):
user = state.get_user(data["_id"]["user"])
# due to not having a user payload and only a user object we have to manually add all the attributes instead of calling User.__init__
flattern_user(self, user)
user._members[] = self
self.state: State = state
self.guild_avatar: Asset | None
if avatar := data.get("avatar"):
self.guild_avatar = Asset(avatar, state)
self.guild_avatar = None
roles = [server.get_role(role_id) for role_id in data.get("roles", [])]
self.roles: list[Role] = sorted(roles, key=lambda role: role.rank, reverse=True)
self.server: Server = server
self.nickname: str | None = data.get("nickname")
self.joined_at: datetime.datetime = parse_timestamp(data["joined_at"])
self.current_timeout: datetime.datetime | None
if current_timeout := data.get("timeout"):
self.current_timeout = parse_timestamp(current_timeout)
self.current_timeout = None
def avatar(self) -> Optional[Asset]:
"""Optional[:class:`Asset`] The avatar the member is displaying, this includes guild avatars and masqueraded avatar"""
return self.masquerade_avatar or self.guild_avatar or self.original_avatar
def name(self) -> str:
""":class:`str` The name the user is displaying, this includes (in order) their masqueraded name, display name and orginal name"""
return self.nickname or self.display_name or self.masquerade_name or self.original_name
def mention(self) -> str:
""":class:`str`: Returns a string that allows you to mention the given member."""
return f"<@{}>"
def _update(
nickname: Optional[str] = None,
avatar: Optional[FilePayload] = None,
roles: Optional[list[str]] = None,
timeout: Optional[str | int] = None
) -> None:
if nickname is not None:
self.nickname = nickname
if avatar is not None:
self.guild_avatar = Asset(avatar, self.state)
if roles is not None:
member_roles = [self.server.get_role(role_id) for role_id in roles]
self.roles = sorted(member_roles, key=lambda role: role.rank, reverse=True)
if timeout is not None:
self.current_timeout = parse_timestamp(timeout)
async def kick(self) -> None:
"""Kicks the member from the server"""
await self.state.http.kick_member(,
async def ban(self, *, reason: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
"""Bans the member from the server
reason: Optional[:class:`str`]
The reason for the ban
await self.state.http.ban_member(,, reason)
async def unban(self) -> None:
"""Unbans the member from the server"""
await self.state.http.unban_member(,
async def edit(
nickname: str | None | _Missing = Missing,
roles: list[Role] | None | _Missing = Missing,
avatar: File | None | _Missing = Missing,
timeout: datetime.timedelta | None | _Missing = Missing
) -> None:
"""Edits the member
nickname: Union[:class:`str`, :class:`None`]
The new nickname, or :class:`None` to reset it
roles: Union[list[:class:`Role`], :class:`None`]
The new roles for the member, or :class:`None` to clear it
avatar: Union[:class:`File`, :class:`None`]
The new server avatar, or :class:`None` to reset it
timeout: Union[:class:`datetime.timedelta`, :class:`None`]
The new timeout length for the member, or :class:`None` to reset it
remove: list[str] = []
data: dict[str, Any] = {}
if nickname is None:
elif nickname is not Missing:
data["nickname"] = nickname
if roles is None:
elif not isinstance(roles, _Missing):
data["roles"] = [ for role in roles]
if avatar is None:
elif not isinstance(avatar, _Missing):
data["avatar"] = (await self.state.http.upload_file(avatar, "avatars"))["id"]
if timeout is None:
elif not isinstance(timeout, _Missing):
data["timeout"] = ( + timeout).isoformat()
await self.state.http.edit_member(,, remove, data)
async def timeout(self, length: datetime.timedelta) -> None:
"""Timeouts the member
length: :class:`datetime.timedelta`
The length of the timeout
ends_at = + length
await self.state.http.edit_member(,, None, {"timeout": ends_at.isoformat()})
def get_permissions(self) -> Permissions:
"""Gets the permissions for the member in the server
The members permissions
return calculate_permissions(self, self.server)
def get_channel_permissions(self, channel: Channel) -> Permissions:
"""Gets the permissions for the member in the server taking into account the channel as well
channel: :class:`Channel`
The channel to calculate permissions with
The members permissions
return calculate_permissions(self, channel)
def has_permissions(self, **permissions: bool) -> bool:
"""Computes if the member has the specified permissions
permissions: :class:`bool`
The permissions to check, this also accepted `False` if you need to check if the member does not have the permission
Whether or not they have the permissions
calculated_perms = self.get_permissions()
return all([getattr(calculated_perms, key, False) == value for key, value in permissions.items()])
def has_channel_permissions(self, channel: Channel, **permissions: bool) -> bool:
"""Computes if the member has the specified permissions, taking into account the channel as well
channel: :class:`Channel`
The channel to calculate permissions with
permissions: :class:`bool`
The permissions to check, this also accepted `False` if you need to check if the member does not have the permission
Whether or not they have the permissions
calculated_perms = self.get_channel_permissions(channel)
return all([getattr(calculated_perms, key, False) == value for key, value in permissions.items()])

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@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Coroutine, Optional, Union
from .asset import Asset, PartialAsset
from .channel import DMChannel, GroupDMChannel, TextChannel, SavedMessageChannel
from .embed import Embed, SendableEmbed, to_embed
from .utils import Ulid, parse_timestamp
from .server import Server
from .state import State
from .types import Embed as EmbedPayload
from .types import Interactions as InteractionsPayload
from .types import Masquerade as MasqueradePayload
from .types import Message as MessagePayload
from .types import MessageReplyPayload, SystemMessageContent
from .user import User
from .member import Member
__all__ = (
class Message(Ulid):
"""Represents a message
id: :class:`str`
The id of the message
content: :class:`str`
The content of the message, this will not include system message's content
attachments: list[:class:`Asset`]
The attachments of the message
embeds: list[Union[:class:`WebsiteEmbed`, :class:`ImageEmbed`, :class:`TextEmbed`, :class:`NoneEmbed`]]
The embeds of the message
channel: :class:`Messageable`
The channel the message was sent in
author: Union[:class:`Member`, :class:`User`]
The author of the message, will be :class:`User` in DMs
edited_at: Optional[:class:`datetime.datetime`]
The time at which the message was edited, will be None if the message has not been edited
raw_mentions: list[:class:`str`]
A list of ids of the mentions in this message
replies: list[:class:`Message`]
The message's this message has replied to, this may not contain all the messages if they are outside the cache
reply_ids: list[:class:`str`]
The message's ids this message has replies to
reactions: dict[str, list[:class:`User`]]
The reactions on the message
interactions: Optional[:class:`MessageInteractions`]
The interactions on the message, if any
__slots__ = ("state", "id", "content", "attachments", "embeds", "channel", "author", "edited_at", "replies", "reply_ids", "reactions", "interactions")
def __init__(self, data: MessagePayload, state: State):
self.state: State = state str = data["_id"]
self.content: str = data.get("content", "")
self.system_content: SystemMessageContent | None = data.get("system")
self.attachments: list[Asset] = [Asset(attachment, state) for attachment in data.get("attachments", [])]
self.embeds: list[Embed] = [to_embed(embed, state) for embed in data.get("embeds", [])]
channel = state.get_channel(data["channel"])
assert isinstance(channel, (TextChannel, GroupDMChannel, DMChannel, SavedMessageChannel)) TextChannel | GroupDMChannel | DMChannel | SavedMessageChannel = channel
self.server_id: str | None =
self.raw_mentions: list[str] = data.get("mentions", [])
if self.system_content:
author_id: str = self.system_content.get("id", data["author"])
author_id = data["author"]
if self.server_id:
author = state.get_member(self.server_id, author_id)
author = state.get_user(author_id) Member | User = author
if masquerade := data.get("masquerade"):
if name := masquerade.get("name"): = name
if avatar := masquerade.get("avatar"): = PartialAsset(avatar, state)
if edited_at := data.get("edited"):
self.edited_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = parse_timestamp(edited_at)
self.replies: list[Message] = []
self.reply_ids: list[str] = []
for reply in data.get("replies", []):
message = state.get_message(reply)
except LookupError:
reactions = data.get("reactions", {})
self.reactions: dict[str, list[User]] = {}
for emoji, users in reactions.items():
self.reactions[emoji] = [self.state.get_user(user_id) for user_id in users]
self.interactions: MessageInteractions | None
if interactions := data.get("interactions"):
self.interactions = MessageInteractions(reactions=interactions.get("reactions"), restrict_reactions=interactions.get("restrict_reactions", False))
self.interactions = None
def _update(self, *, content: Optional[str] = None, embeds: Optional[list[EmbedPayload]] = None, edited: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None):
if content is not None:
self.content = content
if embeds is not None:
self.embeds = [to_embed(embed, self.state) for embed in embeds]
if edited is not None:
self.edited_at = parse_timestamp(edited)
def mentions(self) -> list[User | Member]:
"""The users or members that where mentioned in the message
Returns: list[Union[:class:`Member`, :class:`User`]]
mentions: list[User | Member] = []
if self.server_id:
for mention in self.raw_mentions:
except LookupError:
for mention in self.raw_mentions:
except LookupError:
return mentions
async def edit(self, *, content: Optional[str] = None, embeds: Optional[list[SendableEmbed]] = None) -> None:
"""Edits the message. The bot can only edit its own message
content: :class:`str`
The new content of the message
embeds: list[:class:`SendableEmbed`]
The new embeds of the message
new_embeds = [embed.to_dict() for embed in embeds] if embeds else None
await self.state.http.edit_message(,, content, new_embeds)
async def delete(self) -> None:
"""Deletes the message. The bot can only delete its own messages and messages it has permission to delete """
await self.state.http.delete_message(,
def reply(self, *args: Any, mention: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, Message]:
"""Replies to this message, equivilant to:
.. code-block:: python
await channel.send(..., replies=[MessageReply(message, mention)])
return*args, **kwargs, replies=[MessageReply(self, mention)])
async def add_reaction(self, emoji: str) -> None:
"""Adds a reaction to the message
emoji: :class:`str`
The emoji to add as a reaction
await self.state.http.add_reaction(,, emoji)
async def remove_reaction(self, emoji: str, user: Optional[User] = None, remove_all: bool = False) -> None:
"""Removes a reaction from the message, this can remove either a specific users, the current users reaction or all of a specific emoji
emoji: :class:`str`
The emoji to remove
user: Optional[:class:`User`]
The user to use for removing a reaction from
remove_all: bool
Whether or not to remove all reactions for that specific emoji
await self.state.http.remove_reaction(,, emoji, if user else None, remove_all)
async def remove_all_reactions(self) -> None:
"""Removes all reactions from the message"""
await self.state.http.remove_all_reactions(,
def server(self) -> Server:
""":class:`Server` The server this voice channel belongs too
Raises if the channel is not part of a server
class MessageReply:
"""represents a reply to a message.
message: :class:`Message`
The message being replied to.
mention: :class:`bool`
Whether the reply should mention the author of the message. Defaults to false.
__slots__ = ("message", "mention")
def __init__(self, message: Ulid, mention: bool = False):
self.message: Ulid = message
self.mention: bool = mention
def to_dict(self) -> MessageReplyPayload:
return {"id":, "mention": self.mention}
class Masquerade:
"""represents a message's masquerade.
name: Optional[:class:`str`]
The name to display for the message
avatar: Optional[:class:`str`]
The avatar's url to display for the message
colour: Optional[:class:`str`]
The colour of the name, similar to role colours
__slots__ = ("name", "avatar", "colour")
def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None, avatar: Optional[str] = None, colour: Optional[str] = None): str | None = name
self.avatar: str | None = avatar
self.colour: str | None = colour
def to_dict(self) -> MasqueradePayload:
output: MasqueradePayload = {}
if name :=
output["name"] = name
if avatar := self.avatar:
output["avatar"] = avatar
if colour := self.colour:
output["colour"] = colour
return output
class MessageInteractions:
"""Represents a message's interactions, this is for allowing preset reactions and restricting adding reactions to only those.
reactions: Optional[list[:class:`str`]]
The preset reactions on the message
restrict_reactions: bool
Whether or not users can only react to the interaction's reactions
__slots__ = ("reactions", "restrict_reactions")
def __init__(self, *, reactions: Optional[list[str]] = None, restrict_reactions: bool = False):
self.reactions: list[str] | None = reactions
self.restrict_reactions: bool = restrict_reactions
def to_dict(self) -> InteractionsPayload:
output: InteractionsPayload = {}
if reactions := self.reactions:
output["reactions"] = reactions
if restrict_reactions := self.restrict_reactions:
output["restrict_reactions"] = restrict_reactions
return output

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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from .enums import SortType
from .embed import SendableEmbed
from .file import File
from .message import Masquerade, Message, MessageInteractions, MessageReply
from .state import State
from .types.http import MessageWithUserData
__all__ = ("Messageable",)
class Messageable:
"""Base class for all channels that you can send messages in
id: :class:`str`
The id of the channel
state: State
__slots__ = ()
async def _get_channel_id(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
async def send(self, content: Optional[str] = None, *, embeds: Optional[list[SendableEmbed]] = None, embed: Optional[SendableEmbed] = None, attachments: Optional[list[File]] = None, replies: Optional[list[MessageReply]] = None, reply: Optional[MessageReply] = None, masquerade: Optional[Masquerade] = None, interactions: Optional[MessageInteractions] = None) -> Message:
"""Sends a message in a channel, you must send at least one of either `content`, `embeds` or `attachments`
content: Optional[:class:`str`]
The content of the message, this will not include system message's content
attachments: Optional[list[:class:`File`]]
The attachments of the message
embed: Optional[:class:`SendableEmbed`]
The embed to send with the message
embeds: Optional[list[:class:`SendableEmbed`]]
The embeds to send with the message
replies: Optional[list[:class:`MessageReply`]]
The list of messages to reply to.
masquerade: Optional[:class:`Masquerade`]
The masquerade for the message, this can overwrite the username and avatar shown
interactions: Optional[:class:`MessageInteractions`]
The interactions for the message
The message that was just sent
if embed:
embeds = [embed]
if reply:
replies = [reply]
embed_payload = [embed.to_dict() for embed in embeds] if embeds else None
reply_payload = [reply.to_dict() for reply in replies] if replies else None
masquerade_payload = masquerade.to_dict() if masquerade else None
interactions_payload = interactions.to_dict() if interactions else None
message = await self.state.http.send_message(await self._get_channel_id(), content, embed_payload, attachments, reply_payload, masquerade_payload, interactions_payload)
return self.state.add_message(message)
async def fetch_message(self, message_id: str) -> Message:
"""Fetches a message from the channel
message_id: :class:`str`
The id of the message you want to fetch
The message with the matching id
from .message import Message
payload = await self.state.http.fetch_message(await self._get_channel_id(), message_id)
return Message(payload, self.state)
def _add_missing_users(self, payload: MessageWithUserData):
for user in payload["users"]:
if user["_id"] not in self.state.users:
if members := payload.get("members", []):
server = self.state.get_server(members[0]["_id"]["server"])
for member in members:
if member["_id"]["user"] not in server._members:
async def history(self, *, sort: SortType = SortType.latest, limit: int = 100, before: Optional[str] = None, after: Optional[str] = None, nearby: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Message]:
"""Fetches multiple messages from the channel's history
sort: :class:`SortType`
The order to sort the messages in
limit: :class:`int`
How many messages to fetch
before: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the message which should come *before* all the messages to be fetched
after: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the message which should come *after* all the messages to be fetched
nearby: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the message which should be nearby all the messages to be fetched
The messages found in order of the sort parameter
from .message import Message
payload = await self.state.http.fetch_messages(await self._get_channel_id(), sort=sort, limit=limit, before=before, after=after, nearby=nearby, include_users=True)
return [Message(msg, self.state) for msg in payload["messages"]]
async def search(self, query: str, *, sort: SortType = SortType.latest, limit: int = 100, before: Optional[str] = None, after: Optional[str] = None) -> list[Message]:
"""searches the channel for a query
query: :class:`str`
The query to search for in the channel
sort: :class:`SortType`
The order to sort the messages in
limit: :class:`int`
How many messages to fetch
before: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the message which should come *before* all the messages to be fetched
after: Optional[:class:`str`]
The id of the message which should come *after* all the messages to be fetched
The messages found in order of the sort parameter
from .message import Message
payload = await self.state.http.search_messages(await self._get_channel_id(), query, sort=sort, limit=limit, before=before, after=after, include_users=True)
return [Message(msg, self.state) for msg in payload["messages"]]
async def delete_messages(self, messages: list[Message]) -> None:
"""Bulk deletes messages from the channel
.. note:: The messages must have been sent in the last 7 days.
messages: list[:class:`Message`]
The messages for deletion, this can be up to 100 messages
await self.state.http.delete_messages(await self._get_channel_id(), [ for message in messages])

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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
from typing_extensions import Self
from .flags import Flag, Flags
from .types.permissions import Overwrite
__all__ = ("Permissions", "PermissionsOverwrite", "UserPermissions")
class UserPermissions(Flags):
"""Permissions for users"""
def access() -> int:
return 1 << 0
def view_profile() -> int:
return 1 << 1
def send_message() -> int:
return 1 << 2
def invite() -> int:
return 1 << 3
def all(cls) -> Self:
return cls(access=True, view_profile=True, send_message=True, invite=True)
class Permissions(Flags):
"""Server permissions for members and roles"""
def manage_channel() -> int:
return 1 << 0
def manage_server() -> int:
return 1 << 1
def manage_permissions() -> int:
return 1 << 2
def manage_role() -> int:
return 1 << 3
def kick_members() -> int:
return 1 << 6
def ban_members() -> int:
return 1 << 7
def timeout_members() -> int:
return 1 << 8
def asign_roles() -> int:
return 1 << 9
def change_nickname() -> int:
return 1 << 10
def manage_nicknames() -> int:
return 1 << 11
def change_avatars() -> int:
return 1 << 12
def remove_avatars() -> int:
return 1 << 13
def view_channel() -> int:
return 1 << 20
def read_message_history() -> int:
return 1 << 21
def send_messages() -> int:
return 1 << 22
def manage_messages() -> int:
return 1 << 23
def manage_webhooks() -> int:
return 1 << 24
def invite_others() -> int:
return 1 << 25
def send_embeds() -> int:
return 1 << 26
def upload_files() -> int:
return 1 << 27
def masquerade() -> int:
return 1 << 28
def connect() -> int:
return 1 << 30
def speak() -> int:
return 1 << 31
def video() -> int:
return 1 << 32
def mute_members() -> int:
return 1 << 33
def deafen_members() -> int:
return 1 << 34
def move_members() -> int:
return 1 << 35
def all(cls) -> Self:
return cls(0x000F_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF)
def default_view_only(cls) -> Self:
return cls(view_channel=True, read_message_history=True)
def default(cls) -> Self:
return cls.default_view_only() | cls(send_messages=True, invite_others=True, send_embeds=True, upload_files=True, connect=True, speak=True)
def default_direct_message(cls) -> Self:
return cls.default_view_only() | cls(react=True, manage_channel=True)
class PermissionsOverwrite:
"""A permissions overwrite in a channel"""
def __init__(self, allow: Permissions, deny: Permissions):
self._allow = allow
self._deny = deny
for perm in Permissions.FLAG_NAMES:
if getattr(allow, perm):
value = True
elif getattr(deny, perm):
value = False
value = None
super().__setattr__(perm, value)
def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
if key in Permissions.FLAG_NAMES:
if key is True:
setattr(self._allow, key, True)
super().__setattr__(key, True)
elif key is False:
setattr(self._deny, key, True)
super().__setattr__(key, False)
setattr(self._allow, key, False)
setattr(self._deny, key, False)
super().__setattr__(key, None)
super().__setattr__(key, value)
manage_channel: Optional[bool]
manage_server: Optional[bool]
manage_permissions: Optional[bool]
manage_role: Optional[bool]
kick_members: Optional[bool]
ban_members: Optional[bool]
timeout_members: Optional[bool]
asign_roles: Optional[bool]
change_nickname: Optional[bool]
manage_nicknames: Optional[bool]
change_avatars: Optional[bool]
remove_avatars: Optional[bool]
view_channel: Optional[bool]
read_message_history: Optional[bool]
send_messages: Optional[bool]
manage_messages: Optional[bool]
manage_webhooks: Optional[bool]
invite_others: Optional[bool]
send_embeds: Optional[bool]
upload_files: Optional[bool]
masquerade: Optional[bool]
connect: Optional[bool]
speak: Optional[bool]
video: Optional[bool]
mute_members: Optional[bool]
deafen_members: Optional[bool]
move_members: Optional[bool]
def to_pair(self) -> tuple[Permissions, Permissions]:
return self._allow, self._deny
def _from_overwrite(cls, overwrite: Overwrite) -> Self:
allow = Permissions(overwrite["a"])
deny = Permissions(overwrite["d"])
return cls(allow, deny)

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from next.enums import ChannelType
from .permissions import Permissions
from .channel import Channel, DMChannel, GroupDMChannel, ServerChannel
from .member import Member
from .server import Server
def calculate_permissions(member: Member, target: Server | Channel) -> Permissions:
if member.privileged:
return Permissions.all()
from .server import Server
if isinstance(target, Server):
if target.owner_id ==
return Permissions.all()
permissions = target.default_permissions
for role in member.roles:
permissions = (permissions | role.permissions._allow) & (~role.permissions._deny)
if member.current_timeout and member.current_timeout >
permissions = permissions & Permissions.default_view_only()
return permissions
channel_type = target.channel_type
if channel_type is ChannelType.saved_messages:
return Permissions.all()
elif channel_type is ChannelType.direct_message:
target = cast("DMChannel", target)
user_permissions = target.recipient.get_permissions()
if user_permissions.send_message:
return Permissions.default_direct_message()
return Permissions.default_view_only()
elif channel_type is
target = cast("GroupDMChannel", target)
if !=
return Permissions.default_direct_message()
if target.permissions.value == 0:
return Permissions.default_direct_message()
return target.permissions
target = cast("ServerChannel", target)
server = target.server
if server.owner_id ==
return Permissions.all()
perms = calculate_permissions(member, server)
perms = (perms | target.default_permissions._allow) & (~target.default_permissions._deny)
for role in server.roles[::-1]:
if overwrite :=target.permissions.get(
perms = (perms | overwrite._allow) & (~overwrite._deny)
if member.current_timeout and member.current_timeout >
perms = perms & Permissions(view_channel=True, read_message_history=True)
return perms

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional
from .permissions import Overwrite, PermissionsOverwrite
from .utils import Missing, Ulid
from .server import Server
from .state import State
from .types import Role as RolePayload
__all__ = ("Role",)
class Role(Ulid):
"""Represents a role
id: :class:`str`
The id of the role
name: :class:`str`
The name of the role
colour: Optional[:class:`str`]
The colour of the role
hoist: :class:`bool`
Whether members with the role will display seperate from everyone else
rank: :class:`int`
The position of the role in the role heirarchy
server: :class:`Server`
The server the role belongs to
server_permissions: :class:`ServerPermissions`
The server permissions for the role
channel_permissions: :class:`ChannelPermissions`
The channel permissions for the role
__slots__: tuple[str, ...] = ("id", "name", "colour", "hoist", "rank", "state", "server", "permissions")
def __init__(self, data: RolePayload, role_id: str, server: Server, state: State):
self.state: State = state str = role_id str = data["name"]
self.colour: str | None = data.get("colour", None)
self.hoist: bool = data.get("hoist", False)
self.rank: int = data["rank"]
self.server: Server = server
self.permissions: PermissionsOverwrite = PermissionsOverwrite._from_overwrite(data.get("permissions", {"a": 0, "d": 0}))
def color(self) -> str | None:
return self.colour
async def set_permissions_overwrite(self, *, permissions: PermissionsOverwrite) -> None:
"""Sets the permissions for a role in a server.
server_permissions: Optional[:class:`ServerPermissions`]
The new server permissions for the role
channel_permissions: Optional[:class:`ChannelPermissions`]
The new channel permissions for the role
allow, deny = permissions.to_pair()
await self.state.http.set_server_role_permissions(,, allow.value, deny.value)
def _update(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, colour: Optional[str] = None, hoist: Optional[bool] = None, rank: Optional[int] = None, permissions: Optional[Overwrite] = None) -> None:
if name is not None: = name
if colour is not None:
self.colour = colour
if hoist is not None:
self.hoist = hoist
if rank is not None:
self.rank = rank
if permissions is not None:
self.permissions = PermissionsOverwrite._from_overwrite(permissions)
async def delete(self) -> None:
"""Deletes the role"""
await self.state.http.delete_role(,
async def edit(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Edits the role
name: str
The name of the role
colour: str
The colour of the role
hoist: bool
Whether the role should make the member display seperately in the member list
rank: int
The position of the role
if kwargs.get("colour", Missing) is None:
remove = ["Colour"]
remove = None
await self.state.http.edit_role(,, remove, kwargs)

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@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, cast
from .asset import Asset
from .category import Category
from .invite import Invite
from .permissions import Permissions
from .role import Role
from .utils import Ulid
from .channel import Channel, TextChannel, VoiceChannel
from .member import Member
from .emoji import Emoji
from .file import File
from .state import State
from .types import Ban
from .types import Category as CategoryPayload
from .types import File as FilePayload
from .types import Server as ServerPayload
from .types import SystemMessagesConfig
from .types import Member as MemberPayload
__all__ = ("Server", "SystemMessages", "ServerBan")
class SystemMessages:
"""Holds all the configuration for the server's system message channels"""
def __init__(self, data: SystemMessagesConfig, state: State):
self.state: State = state
self.user_joined_id: str | None = data.get("user_joined")
self.user_left_id: str | None = data.get("user_left")
self.user_kicked_id: str | None = data.get("user_kicked")
self.user_banned_id: str | None = data.get("user_banned")
def user_joined(self) -> Optional[TextChannel]:
"""The channel which user join messages get sent in
The channel
if not self.user_joined_id:
channel = self.state.get_channel(self.user_joined_id)
assert isinstance(channel, TextChannel)
return channel
def user_left(self) -> Optional[TextChannel]:
"""The channel which user leave messages get sent in
The channel
if not self.user_left_id:
channel = self.state.get_channel(self.user_left_id)
assert isinstance(channel, TextChannel)
return channel
def user_kicked(self) -> Optional[TextChannel]:
"""The channel which user kick messages get sent in
The channel
if not self.user_kicked_id:
channel = self.state.get_channel(self.user_kicked_id)
assert isinstance(channel, TextChannel)
return channel
def user_banned(self) -> Optional[TextChannel]:
"""The channel which user ban messages get sent in
The channel
if not self.user_banned_id:
channel = self.state.get_channel(self.user_banned_id)
assert isinstance(channel, TextChannel)
return channel
class Server(Ulid):
"""Represents a server
id: :class:`str`
The id of the server
name: :class:`str`
The name of the server
owner_id: :class:`str`
The owner's id of the server
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The servers description
nsfw: :class:`bool`
Whether the server is nsfw or not
system_messages: :class:`SystemMessages`
The system message config for the server
icon: Optional[:class:`Asset`]
The servers icon
banner: Optional[:class:`Asset`]
The servers banner
default_permissions: :class:`Permissions`
The permissions for the default role
__slots__ = ("state", "id", "name", "owner_id", "default_permissions", "_members", "_roles", "_channels", "description", "icon", "banner", "nsfw", "system_messages", "_categories", "_emojis")
def __init__(self, data: ServerPayload, state: State):
self.state: State = state str = data["_id"] str = data["name"]
self.owner_id: str = data["owner"]
self.description: str | None = data.get("description") or None
self.nsfw: bool = data.get("nsfw", False)
self.system_messages: SystemMessages = SystemMessages(data.get("system_messages", cast("SystemMessagesConfig", {})), state)
self._categories: dict[str, Category] = {data["id"]: Category(data, state) for data in data.get("categories", [])}
self.default_permissions: Permissions = Permissions(data["default_permissions"])
self.icon: Asset | None
if icon := data.get("icon"):
self.icon = Asset(icon, state)
self.icon = None
self.banner: Asset | None
if banner := data.get("banner"):
self.banner = Asset(banner, state)
self.banner = None
self._members: dict[str, Member] = {}
self._roles: dict[str, Role] = {role_id: Role(role, role_id, self, state) for role_id, role in data.get("roles", {}).items()}
self._channels: dict[str, Channel] = {}
# The api doesnt send us all the channels but sends us all the ids, this is because channels we dont have permissions to see are not sent
# this causes get_channel to error so we have to first check ourself if its in the cache.
for channel_id in data["channels"]:
if channel := state.channels.get(channel_id):
self._channels[channel_id] = channel
self._emojis: dict[str, Emoji] = {}
def _update(self, *, owner: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, icon: Optional[FilePayload] = None, banner: Optional[FilePayload] = None, default_permissions: Optional[int] = None, nsfw: Optional[bool] = None, system_messages: Optional[SystemMessagesConfig] = None, categories: Optional[list[CategoryPayload]] = None, channels: Optional[list[str]] = None):
if owner is not None:
self.owner_id = owner
if name is not None: = name
if description is not None:
self.description = description or None
if icon is not None:
self.icon = Asset(icon, self.state)
if banner is not None:
self.banner = Asset(banner, self.state)
if default_permissions is not None:
self.default_permissions = Permissions(default_permissions)
if nsfw is not None:
self.nsfw = nsfw
if system_messages is not None:
self.system_messages = SystemMessages(system_messages, self.state)
if categories is not None:
self._categories = {data["id"]: Category(data, self.state) for data in categories}
if channels is not None:
self._channels = {channel_id: self.state.get_channel(channel_id) for channel_id in channels}
def _add_member(self, payload: MemberPayload) -> Member:
member = Member(payload, self, self.state)
self._members[] = member
return member
def roles(self) -> list[Role]:
"""list[:class:`Role`] Gets all roles in the server in decending order"""
return list(self._roles.values())
def members(self) -> list[Member]:
"""list[:class:`Member`] Gets all members in the server"""
return list(self._members.values())
def channels(self) -> list[Channel]:
"""list[:class:`Member`] Gets all channels in the server"""
return list(self._channels.values())
def categories(self) -> list[Category]:
"""list[:class:`Category`] Gets all categories in the server"""
return list(self._categories.values())
def emojis(self) -> list[Emoji]:
"""list[:class:`Emoji`] Gets all emojis in the server"""
return list(self._emojis.values())
def get_role(self, role_id: str) -> Role:
"""Gets a role from the cache
id: :class:`str`
The id of the role
The role
return self._roles[role_id]
def get_member(self, member_id: str) -> Member:
"""Gets a member from the cache
id: :class:`str`
The id of the member
The member
return self._members[member_id]
except KeyError:
raise LookupError from None
def get_channel(self, channel_id: str) -> Channel:
"""Gets a channel from the cache
id: :class:`str`
The id of the channel
The channel
return self._channels[channel_id]
except KeyError:
raise LookupError from None
def get_category(self, category_id: str) -> Category:
"""Gets a category from the cache
id: :class:`str`
The id of the category
The category
return self._categories[category_id]
except KeyError:
raise LookupError from None
def get_emoji(self, emoji_id: str) -> Emoji:
"""Gets a emoji from the cache
id: :class:`str`
The id of the emoji
The emoji
return self._emojis[emoji_id]
except KeyError as e:
raise LookupError from e
def owner(self) -> Member:
""":class:`Member` The owner of the server"""
return self.get_member(self.owner_id)
async def set_default_permissions(self, permissions: Permissions) -> None:
"""Sets the default server permissions.
server_permissions: Optional[:class:`ServerPermissions`]
The new default server permissions
channel_permissions: Optional[:class:`ChannelPermissions`]
the new default channel permissions
await self.state.http.set_server_default_permissions(, permissions.value)
async def leave_server(self) -> None:
"""Leaves or deletes the server"""
await self.state.http.delete_leave_server(
async def delete_server(self) -> None:
"""Leaves or deletes a server, alias to :meth`Server.leave_server`"""
await self.leave_server()
async def create_text_channel(self, *, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None) -> TextChannel:
"""Creates a text channel in the server
name: :class:`str`
The name of the channel
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The channel's description
The text channel that was just created
payload = await self.state.http.create_channel(, "Text", name, description)
channel = TextChannel(payload, self.state)
self._channels[] = channel
return channel
async def create_voice_channel(self, *, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None) -> VoiceChannel:
"""Creates a voice channel in the server
name: :class:`str`
The name of the channel
description: Optional[:class:`str`]
The channel's description
The voice channel that was just created
payload = await self.state.http.create_channel(, "Voice", name, description)
channel = self.state.add_channel(payload)
self._channels[] = channel
return cast(VoiceChannel, channel)
async def fetch_invites(self) -> list[Invite]:
"""Fetches all invites in the server
invite_payloads = await self.state.http.fetch_server_invites(
return [Invite._from_partial(payload["_id"], payload["server"], payload["creator"], payload["channel"], self.state) for payload in invite_payloads]
async def fetch_member(self, member_id: str) -> Member:
"""Fetches a member from this server
member_id: :class:`str`
The id of the member you are fetching
The member with the matching id
payload = await self.state.http.fetch_member(, member_id)
return Member(payload, self, self.state)
async def fetch_bans(self) -> list[ServerBan]:
"""Fetches all bans in the server
payload = await self.state.http.fetch_bans(
return [ServerBan(ban, self.state) for ban in payload["bans"]]
async def create_role(self, name: str) -> Role:
"""Creates a role in the server
name: :class:`str`
The name of the role
The role that was just created
payload = await self.state.http.create_role(, name)
return Role(payload["role"], payload["id"], self, self.state)
async def create_emoji(self, name: str, file: File, *, nsfw: bool = False) -> Emoji:
"""Creates an emoji
name: :class:`str`
The name for the emoji
file: :class:`File`
The image for the emoji
nsfw: :class:`bool`
Whether or not the emoji is nsfw
payload = await self.state.http.create_emoji(name, file, nsfw, {"type": "Server", "id":})
return self.state.add_emoji(payload)
class ServerBan:
"""Represents a server ban
reason: Optional[:class:`str`]
The reason the user was banned
server: :class:`Server`
The server the user was banned in
user_id: :class:`str`
The id of the user who was banned
__slots__ = ("reason", "server", "user_id", "state")
def __init__(self, ban: Ban, state: State):
self.reason: str | None = ban.get("reason")
self.server: Server = state.get_server(ban["_id"]["server"])
self.user_id: str = ban["_id"]["user"]
self.state: State = state
async def unban(self) -> None:
"""Unbans the user"""
await self.state.http.unban_member(, self.user_id)

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import deque
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from .channel import Channel, channel_factory
from .emoji import Emoji
from .member import Member
from .message import Message
from .server import Server
from .user import User
from .http import HttpClient
from .types import ApiInfo
from .types import Channel as ChannelPayload
from .types import Emoji as EmojiPayload
from .types import Member as MemberPayload
from .types import Message as MessagePayload
from .types import Server as ServerPayload
from .types import User as UserPayload
__all__ = ("State",)
class State:
__slots__ = ("http", "api_info", "max_messages", "users", "channels", "servers", "messages", "global_emojis", "user_id", "me")
def __init__(self, http: HttpClient, api_info: ApiInfo, max_messages: int):
self.http: HttpClient = http
self.api_info: ApiInfo = api_info
self.max_messages: int = max_messages User
self.users: dict[str, User] = {}
self.channels: dict[str, Channel] = {}
self.servers: dict[str, Server] = {}
self.messages: deque[Message] = deque()
self.global_emojis: list[Emoji] = []
def get_user(self, id: str) -> User:
return self.users[id]
except KeyError:
raise LookupError from None
def get_member(self, server_id: str, member_id: str) -> Member:
server = self.servers[server_id]
return server.get_member(member_id)
def get_channel(self, id: str) -> Channel:
return self.channels[id]
except KeyError:
raise LookupError from None
def get_server(self, id: str) -> Server:
return self.servers[id]
except KeyError:
raise LookupError from None
def add_user(self, payload: UserPayload) -> User:
user = User(payload, self)
if payload.get("relationship") == "User": = user
self.users[] = user
return user
def add_member(self, server_id: str, payload: MemberPayload) -> Member:
server = self.get_server(server_id)
return server._add_member(payload)
def add_channel(self, payload: ChannelPayload) -> Channel:
channel = channel_factory(payload, self)
self.channels[] = channel
return channel
def add_server(self, payload: ServerPayload) -> Server:
server = Server(payload, self)
self.servers[] = server
return server
def add_message(self, payload: MessagePayload) -> Message:
message = Message(payload, self)
if len(self.messages) >= self.max_messages:
return message
def add_emoji(self, payload: EmojiPayload) -> Emoji:
emoji = Emoji(payload, self)
if server_id := emoji.server_id:
server = self.get_server(server_id)
server._emojis[] = emoji
return emoji
def get_message(self, message_id: str) -> Message:
for msg in self.messages:
if == message_id:
return msg
raise LookupError
async def fetch_server_members(self, server_id: str) -> None:
data = await self.http.fetch_members(server_id)
for user in data["users"]:
for member in data["members"]:
self.add_member(server_id, member)
async def fetch_all_server_members(self) -> None:
for server_id in self.servers:
await self.fetch_server_members(server_id)

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
from .category import *
from .channel import *
from .embed import *
from .emoji import *
from .file import *
from .gateway import *
from .http import *
from .invite import *
from .member import *
from .message import *
from .permissions import *
from .role import *
from .server import *
from .user import *

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
from typing import TypedDict
__all__ = ("Category",)
class Category(TypedDict):
id: str
title: str
channels: list[str]

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, TypedDict, Union
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .file import File
from .permissions import Overwrite
__all__ = (
class BaseChannel(TypedDict):
_id: str
nonce: str
class SavedMessages(BaseChannel):
user: str
channel_type: Literal["SavedMessages"]
class DMChannel(BaseChannel):
active: bool
recipients: list[str]
last_message_id: NotRequired[str]
channel_type: Literal["DirectMessage"]
class GroupDMChannel(BaseChannel):
recipients: list[str]
name: str
owner: str
channel_type: Literal["Group"]
icon: NotRequired[File]
permissions: NotRequired[int]
description: NotRequired[str]
nsfw: NotRequired[bool]
last_message_id: NotRequired[str]
class TextChannel(BaseChannel):
server: str
name: str
description: str
channel_type: Literal["TextChannel"]
icon: NotRequired[File]
default_permissions: NotRequired[Overwrite]
role_permissions: NotRequired[dict[str, Overwrite]]
nsfw: NotRequired[bool]
last_message_id: NotRequired[str]
class VoiceChannel(BaseChannel):
server: str
name: str
description: str
channel_type: Literal["VoiceChannel"]
icon: NotRequired[File]
default_permissions: NotRequired[Overwrite]
role_permissions: NotRequired[dict[str, Overwrite]]
nsfw: NotRequired[bool]
ServerChannel = Union[TextChannel, VoiceChannel]
Channel = Union[SavedMessages, DMChannel, GroupDMChannel, TextChannel, VoiceChannel]

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, TypedDict, Union
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .file import File
__all__ = ("Embed", "SendableEmbed", "WebsiteEmbed", "ImageEmbed", "TextEmbed", "NoneEmbed", "YoutubeSpecial", "TwitchSpecial", "SpotifySpecial", "SoundcloudSpecial", "BandcampSpecial", "WebsiteSpecial", "JanuaryImage", "JanuaryVideo")
class YoutubeSpecial(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Youtube"]
id: str
timestamp: NotRequired[str]
class TwitchSpecial(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Twitch"]
content_type: Literal["Channel", "Video", "Clip"]
id: str
class SpotifySpecial(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Spotify"]
content_type: str
id: str
class SoundcloudSpecial(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Soundcloud"]
class BandcampSpecial(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Bandcamp"]
content_type: Literal["Album", "Track"]
id: str
WebsiteSpecial = Union[YoutubeSpecial, TwitchSpecial, SpotifySpecial, SoundcloudSpecial, BandcampSpecial]
class JanuaryImage(TypedDict):
url: str
width: int
height: int
size: Literal["Large", "Preview"]
class JanuaryVideo(TypedDict):
url: str
width: int
height: int
class WebsiteEmbed(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Website"]
url: NotRequired[str]
special: NotRequired[WebsiteSpecial]
title: NotRequired[str]
description: NotRequired[str]
image: NotRequired[JanuaryImage]
video: NotRequired[JanuaryVideo]
site_name: NotRequired[str]
icon_url: NotRequired[str]
colour: NotRequired[str]
class ImageEmbed(JanuaryImage):
type: Literal["Image"]
class TextEmbed(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Text"]
icon_url: NotRequired[str]
url: NotRequired[str]
title: NotRequired[str]
description: NotRequired[str]
media: NotRequired[File]
colour: NotRequired[str]
class NoneEmbed(TypedDict):
type: Literal["None"]
Embed = Union[WebsiteEmbed, ImageEmbed, TextEmbed, NoneEmbed]
class SendableEmbed(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Text"]
icon_url: NotRequired[str]
url: NotRequired[str]
title: NotRequired[str]
description: NotRequired[str]
media: NotRequired[str]
colour: NotRequired[str]

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
from typing import Literal, TypedDict, Union
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
class EmojiParentServer(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Server"]
id: str
class EmojiParentDetached(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Detached"]
EmojiParent = Union[EmojiParentServer, EmojiParentDetached]
class Emoji(TypedDict):
_id: str
parent: EmojiParent
creator_id: str
name: str
animated: NotRequired[bool]
nsfw: NotRequired[bool]

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Literal, TypedDict, Union
__all__ = ("File",)
class SizedMetadata(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Image", "Video"]
height: int
width: int
class SimpleMetadata(TypedDict):
type: Literal["File", "Text", "Audio"]
FileMetadata = Union[SizedMetadata, SimpleMetadata]
class File(TypedDict):
_id: str
tag: str
size: int
filename: str
metadata: FileMetadata
content_type: str

next/types/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, TypedDict, Union
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .channel import Channel, DMChannel, GroupDMChannel, SavedMessages, TextChannel, VoiceChannel
from .message import Message
from .permissions import Overwrite
from .category import Category
from .embed import Embed
from .emoji import Emoji
from .file import File
from .member import Member, MemberID
from .server import Server, SystemMessagesConfig
from .user import Status, User, UserProfile, UserRelation
__all__ = (
class BasePayload(TypedDict):
type: str
class AuthenticatePayload(BasePayload):
token: str
class ReadyEventPayload(BasePayload):
users: list[User]
servers: list[Server]
channels: list[Channel]
members: list[Member]
emojis: list[Emoji]
class MessageEventPayload(BasePayload, Message):
class MessageUpdateData(TypedDict):
content: str
embeds: list[Embed]
edited: Union[str, int]
class MessageUpdateEventPayload(BasePayload):
channel: str
data: MessageUpdateData
id: str
class MessageDeleteEventPayload(BasePayload):
channel: str
id: str
class ChannelCreateEventPayload_SavedMessages(BasePayload, SavedMessages):
class ChannelCreateEventPayload_Group(BasePayload, GroupDMChannel):
class ChannelCreateEventPayload_TextChannel(BasePayload, TextChannel):
class ChannelCreateEventPayload_VoiceChannel(BasePayload, VoiceChannel):
class ChannelCreateEventPayload_DMChannel(BasePayload, DMChannel):
ChannelCreateEventPayload = Union[ChannelCreateEventPayload_Group, ChannelCreateEventPayload_Group, ChannelCreateEventPayload_TextChannel, ChannelCreateEventPayload_VoiceChannel, ChannelCreateEventPayload_DMChannel]
class ChannelUpdateEventPayloadData(TypedDict, total=False):
name: str
description: str
icon: File
nsfw: bool
active: bool
role_permissions: dict[str, Overwrite]
default_permissions: Overwrite
class ChannelUpdateEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
data: ChannelUpdateEventPayloadData
clear: Literal["Icon", "Description"]
class ChannelDeleteEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
class ChannelStartTypingEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
user: str
ChannelDeleteTypingEventPayload = ChannelStartTypingEventPayload
class ServerUpdateEventPayloadData(TypedDict, total=False):
owner: str
name: str
description: str
icon: File
banner: File
default_permissions: int
nsfw: bool
system_messages: SystemMessagesConfig
categories: list[Category]
class ServerUpdateEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
data: ServerUpdateEventPayloadData
clear: Literal["Icon", "Banner", "Description"]
class ServerDeleteEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
class ServerCreateEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
server: Server
channels: list[Channel]
class ServerMemberUpdateEventPayloadData(TypedDict, total=False):
nickname: str
avatar: File
roles: list[str]
timeout: str | int
class ServerMemberUpdateEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: MemberID
data: ServerMemberUpdateEventPayloadData
clear: Literal["Nickname", "Avatar"]
class ServerMemberJoinEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
user: str
ServerMemberLeaveEventPayload = ServerMemberJoinEventPayload
class ServerRoleUpdateEventPayloadData(TypedDict, total=False):
name: str
colour: str
hoist: bool
rank: int
class ServerRoleUpdateEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
role_id: str
data: ServerRoleUpdateEventPayloadData
clear: Literal["Colour"]
class ServerRoleDeleteEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
role_id: str
class UserUpdateEventPayloadData(TypedDict):
status: NotRequired[Status]
avatar: NotRequired[File]
online: NotRequired[bool]
profile: NotRequired[UserProfile]
username: NotRequired[str]
display_name: NotRequired[str]
relations: NotRequired[list[UserRelation]]
badges: NotRequired[int]
online: NotRequired[bool]
flags: NotRequired[int]
discriminator: NotRequired[str]
privileged: NotRequired[bool]
class UserUpdateEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
data: UserUpdateEventPayloadData
clear: Literal["ProfileContent", "ProfileBackground", "StatusText", "Avatar"]
class UserRelationshipEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
user: str
status: Status
class MessageReactEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
channel_id: str
user_id: str
emoji_id: str
MessageUnreactEventPayload = MessageReactEventPayload
class MessageRemoveReactionEventPayload(BasePayload):
id: str
channel_id: str
emoji_id: str
class BulkMessageDeleteEventPayload(BasePayload):
channel: str
ids: list[str]

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .member import Member
from .message import Message
from .user import User
from .role import Role
__all__ = (
class ApiFeature(TypedDict):
enabled: bool
url: str
class VosoFeature(ApiFeature):
ws: str
class Features(TypedDict):
email: bool
invite_only: bool
captcha: ApiFeature
autumn: ApiFeature
january: ApiFeature
voso: VosoFeature
class ApiInfo(TypedDict):
revolt: str
features: Features
ws: str
app: str
vapid: str
class Autumn(TypedDict):
id: str
class GetServerMembers(TypedDict):
members: list[Member]
users: list[User]
class MessageWithUserData(TypedDict):
messages: list[Message]
members: NotRequired[list[Member]]
users: list[User]
class CreateRole(TypedDict):
id: str
role: Role

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, TypedDict
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .file import File
__all__ = ("Invite", "PartialInvite")
class Invite(TypedDict):
type: Literal["Server"]
server_id: str
server_name: str
server_icon: NotRequired[str]
server_banner: NotRequired[str]
channel_id: str
channel_name: str
channel_description: NotRequired[str]
user_name: str
user_avatar: NotRequired[File]
member_count: int
class PartialInvite(TypedDict):
_id: str
server: str
channel: str
creator: str

next/types/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .file import File
__all__ = ("Member", "MemberID")
class MemberID(TypedDict):
server: str
user: str
class Member(TypedDict):
_id: MemberID
nickname: NotRequired[str]
avatar: NotRequired[File]
roles: NotRequired[list[str]]
joined_at: int | str
timeout: NotRequired[str | int]

next/types/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict, Union
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .embed import Embed
from .file import File
__all__ = (
class UserAddContent(TypedDict):
id: str
by: str
class UserRemoveContent(TypedDict):
id: str
by: str
class UserJoinedContent(TypedDict):
id: str
by: str
class UserLeftContent(TypedDict):
id: str
class UserKickedContent(TypedDict):
id: str
class UserBannedContent(TypedDict):
id: str
class ChannelRenameContent(TypedDict):
name: str
by: str
class ChannelDescriptionChangeContent(TypedDict):
by: str
class ChannelIconChangeContent(TypedDict):
by: str
class Masquerade(TypedDict, total=False):
name: str
avatar: str
colour: str
class Interactions(TypedDict):
reactions: NotRequired[list[str]]
restrict_reactions: NotRequired[bool]
SystemMessageContent = Union[UserAddContent, UserRemoveContent, UserJoinedContent, UserLeftContent, UserKickedContent, UserBannedContent, ChannelRenameContent, ChannelDescriptionChangeContent, ChannelIconChangeContent]
class Message(TypedDict):
_id: str
channel: str
author: str
content: str
system: NotRequired[SystemMessageContent]
attachments: NotRequired[list[File]]
embeds: NotRequired[list[Embed]]
mentions: NotRequired[list[str]]
replies: NotRequired[list[str]]
edited: NotRequired[str | int]
masquerade: NotRequired[Masquerade]
interactions: NotRequired[Interactions]
reactions: dict[str, list[str]]
class MessageReplyPayload(TypedDict):
id: str
mention: bool

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TypedDict
class Overwrite(TypedDict):
a: int
d: int

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .permissions import Overwrite
__all__ = (
class Role(TypedDict):
name: str
permissions: Overwrite
colour: NotRequired[str]
hoist: NotRequired[bool]
rank: int

next/types/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypedDict
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .category import Category
from .file import File
from .role import Role
__all__ = (
class SystemMessagesConfig(TypedDict, total=False):
user_joined: str
user_left: str
user_kicked: str
user_banned: str
class Server(TypedDict):
_id: str
owner: str
name: str
channels: list[str]
default_permissions: int
nonce: NotRequired[str]
description: NotRequired[str]
categories: NotRequired[list[Category]]
system_messages: NotRequired[SystemMessagesConfig]
roles: NotRequired[dict[str, Role]]
icon: NotRequired[File]
banner: NotRequired[File]
nsfw: NotRequired[bool]
class BannedUser(TypedDict):
_id: str
username: str
avatar: NotRequired[File]
class BanId(TypedDict):
server: str
user: str
class Ban(TypedDict):
_id: BanId
reason: NotRequired[str]
class ServerBans(TypedDict):
users: list[BannedUser]
bans: list[Ban]

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, TypedDict
from typing_extensions import NotRequired
from .file import File
__all__ = (
Relation = Literal["Blocked", "BlockedOther", "Friend", "Incoming", "None", "Outgoing", "User"]
class UserBot(TypedDict):
owner: str
class Status(TypedDict, total=False):
text: str
presence: Literal["Busy", "Idle", "Invisible", "Online"]
class UserRelation(TypedDict):
status: Relation
_id: str
class User(TypedDict):
_id: str
username: str
discriminator: str
display_name: NotRequired[str]
avatar: NotRequired[File]
relations: NotRequired[list[UserRelation]]
badges: NotRequired[int]
status: NotRequired[Status]
relationship: NotRequired[Relation]
online: NotRequired[bool]
flags: NotRequired[int]
bot: NotRequired[UserBot]
privileged: NotRequired[bool]
class UserProfile(TypedDict, total=False):
content: str
background: File

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@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, NamedTuple, Optional, Union
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
from next.types.user import UserRelation
from .asset import Asset, PartialAsset
from .channel import DMChannel, GroupDMChannel, SavedMessageChannel
from .enums import PresenceType, RelationshipType
from .flags import UserBadges
from .messageable import Messageable
from .permissions import UserPermissions
from .utils import Ulid
from .member import Member
from .state import State
from .types import File
from .types import Status as StatusPayload
from .types import User as UserPayload
from .types import UserProfile as UserProfileData
from .server import Server
__all__ = ("User", "Status", "Relation", "UserProfile")
class Relation(NamedTuple):
"""A namedtuple representing a relation between the bot and a user"""
type: RelationshipType
user: User
class Status(NamedTuple):
"""A namedtuple representing a users status"""
text: Optional[str]
presence: Optional[PresenceType]
class UserProfile(NamedTuple):
"""A namedtuple representing a users profile"""
content: Optional[str]
background: Optional[Asset]
class User(Messageable, Ulid):
"""Represents a user
id: :class:`str`
The user's id
discriminator: :class:`str`
The user's discriminator
display_name: Optional[:class:`str`]
The user's display name if they have one
bot: :class:`bool`
Whether or not the user is a bot
owner_id: Optional[:class:`str`]
The bot's owner id if the user is a bot
badges: :class:`UserBadges`
The users badges
online: :class:`bool`
Whether or not the user is online
flags: :class:`int`
The user flags
relations: list[:class:`Relation`]
A list of the users relations
relationship: Optional[:class:`RelationshipType`]
The relationship between the user and the bot
status: Optional[:class:`Status`]
The users status
dm_channel: Optional[:class:`DMChannel`]
The dm channel between the client and the user, this will only be set if the client has dm'ed the user or :meth:`User.open_dm` was run
privileged: :class:`bool`
Whether the user is privileged
__flattern_attributes__: tuple[str, ...] = ("id", "discriminator", "display_name", "bot", "owner_id", "badges", "online", "flags", "relations", "relationship", "status", "masquerade_avatar", "masquerade_name", "original_name", "original_avatar", "profile", "dm_channel", "privileged")
__slots__: tuple[str, ...] = (*__flattern_attributes__, "state", "_members")
def __init__(self, data: UserPayload, state: State):
self.state = state
self._members: WeakValueDictionary[str, Member] = WeakValueDictionary() # we store all member versions of this user to avoid having to check every guild when needing to update. str = data["_id"]
self.discriminator: str = data["discriminator"]
self.display_name: str | None = data.get("display_name")
self.original_name: str = data["username"]
self.dm_channel: DMChannel | SavedMessageChannel | None = None
bot = data.get("bot") bool
self.owner_id: str | None
if bot: = True
self.owner_id = bot["owner"]
else: = False
self.owner_id = None
self.badges: UserBadges = UserBadges._from_value(data.get("badges", 0)) bool = data.get("online", False)
self.flags: int = data.get("flags", 0)
self.privileged: bool = data.get("privileged", False)
avatar = data.get("avatar")
self.original_avatar: Asset | None = Asset(avatar, state) if avatar else None
relations: list[Relation] = []
for relation in data.get("relations", []):
user = state.get_user(relation["_id"])
if user:
relations.append(Relation(RelationshipType(relation["status"]), user))
self.relations: list[Relation] = relations
relationship = data.get("relationship")
self.relationship: RelationshipType | None = RelationshipType(relationship) if relationship else None
status = data.get("status")
self.status: Status | None
if status:
presence = status.get("presence")
self.status = Status(status.get("text"), PresenceType(presence) if presence else None) if status else None
self.status = None
self.profile: Optional[UserProfile] = None
self.masquerade_avatar: Optional[PartialAsset] = None
self.masquerade_name: Optional[str] = None
def get_permissions(self) -> UserPermissions:
"""Gets the permissions for the user
The users permissions
permissions = UserPermissions()
if self.relationship in [RelationshipType.friend, RelationshipType.user]:
return UserPermissions.all()
elif self.relationship in [RelationshipType.blocked, RelationshipType.blocked_other]:
return UserPermissions(access=True)
elif self.relationship in [RelationshipType.incoming_friend_request, RelationshipType.outgoing_friend_request]:
permissions.access = True
for channel in self.state.channels.values():
if (isinstance(channel, (GroupDMChannel, DMChannel)) and in channel.recipient_ids) or any( in ( for m in server.members) for server in self.state.servers.values()):
if or
permissions.send_message = True
permissions.access = True
permissions.view_profile = True
return permissions
def has_permissions(self, **permissions: bool) -> bool:
"""Computes if the user has the specified permissions
permissions: :class:`bool`
The permissions to check, this also accepted `False` if you need to check if the user does not have the permission
Whether or not they have the permissions
perms = self.get_permissions()
return all([getattr(perms, key, False) == value for key, value in permissions.items()])
async def _get_channel_id(self):
if not self.dm_channel:
payload = await self.state.http.open_dm(
if payload["channel_type"] == "SavedMessages":
self.dm_channel = SavedMessageChannel(payload, self.state)
self.dm_channel = DMChannel(payload, self.state)
def owner(self) -> User:
""":class:`User` the owner of the bot account"""
if not self.owner_id:
raise LookupError
return self.state.get_user(self.owner_id)
def name(self) -> str:
""":class:`str` The name the user is displaying, this includes (in order) their masqueraded name, display name and orginal name"""
return self.display_name or self.masquerade_name or self.original_name
def avatar(self) -> Union[Asset, PartialAsset, None]:
"""Optional[:class:`Asset`] The avatar the member is displaying, this includes there orginal avatar and masqueraded avatar"""
return self.masquerade_avatar or self.original_avatar
def mention(self) -> str:
""":class:`str`: Returns a string that allows you to mention the given user."""
return f"<@{}>"
def _update(
status: Optional[StatusPayload] = None,
profile: Optional[UserProfileData] = None,
avatar: Optional[File] = None,
online: Optional[bool] = None,
display_name: Optional[str] = None,
relations: Optional[list[UserRelation]] = None,
badges: Optional[int] = None,
flags: Optional[int] = None,
discriminator: Optional[str] = None,
privileged: Optional[bool] = None,
username: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
if status is not None:
presence = status.get("presence")
self.status = Status(status.get("text"), PresenceType(presence) if presence else None)
if profile is not None:
if background_file := profile.get("background"):
background = Asset(background_file, self.state)
background = None
self.profile = UserProfile(profile.get("content"), background)
if avatar is not None:
self.original_avatar = Asset(avatar, self.state)
if online is not None: = online
if display_name is not None:
self.display_name = display_name
if relations is not None:
new_relations: list[Relation] = []
for relation in relations:
user = self.state.get_user(relation["_id"])
if user:
new_relations.append(Relation(RelationshipType(relation["status"]), user))
self.relations = new_relations
if badges is not None:
self.badges = UserBadges(badges)
if flags is not None:
self.flags = flags
if discriminator is not None:
self.discriminator = discriminator
if privileged is not None:
self.privileged = privileged
if username is not None:
self.original_name = username
# update user infomation for all members
if self.__class__ is User:
for member in self._members.values():
async def default_avatar(self) -> bytes:
"""Returns the default avatar for this user
The bytes of the image
return await self.state.http.fetch_default_avatar(
async def fetch_profile(self) -> UserProfile:
"""Fetches the user's profile
The user's profile
if profile := self.profile:
return profile
payload = await self.state.http.fetch_profile(
if file := payload.get("background"):
background = Asset(file, self.state)
background = None
self.profile = UserProfile(payload.get("content"), background)
return self.profile
def to_member(self, server: Server) -> Member:
"""Gets the member instance for this user for a specific server.
Roughly equivelent to:
.. code-block:: python
member = server.get_member(
server: :class:`Server`
The server to get the member for
The member
return self._members[]
except IndexError:
raise LookupError from None
async def open_dm(self) -> DMChannel | SavedMessageChannel:
"""Opens a dm with the user, if this user is the current user this will return :class:`SavedMessageChannel`
.. note:: using this function is discouraged as :meth:`User.send` does this implicitally.
Union[:class:`DMChannel`, :class:`SavedMessageChannel`]
await self._get_channel_id()
assert self.dm_channel
return self.dm_channel

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
import inspect
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Iterable, Literal, TypeVar, Union
import ulid
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
__all__ = ("_Missing", "Missing", "copy_doc", "maybe_coroutine", "get", "client_session", "parse_timestamp")
class _Missing:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<Missing>"
def __bool__(self) -> Literal[False]:
return False
Missing: _Missing = _Missing()
T = TypeVar("T")
def copy_doc(from_t: T) -> Callable[[T], T]:
def inner(to_t: T) -> T:
to_t.__doc__ = from_t.__doc__
return to_t
return inner
R_T = TypeVar("R_T")
P = ParamSpec("P")
# it is impossible to type this function correctly as typeguard does not narrow for the negative case,
# so `value` would stay being a union even after the if statement (PEP 647 - "The type is not narrowed in the negative case")
# see typing#926, typing#930, typing#996
async def maybe_coroutine(func: Callable[P, Union[R_T, Coroutine[Any, Any, R_T]]], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R_T:
value = func(*args, **kwargs)
if inspect.isawaitable(value):
value = await value
return value # type: ignore
class Ulid:
id: str
def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime:
return ulid.from_str(
class Object(Ulid):
"""Class to mock objects with an id"""
def __init__(self, id: str): = id
def get(iterable: Iterable[T], **attrs: Any) -> T:
"""A convenience function to help get a value from an iterable with a specific attribute
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 3
from next import utils
channel = utils.get(server.channels, name="General")
await channel.send("Hello general chat.")
iterable: Iterable
The values to search though
**attrs: Any
The attributes to check
The value from the iterable with the met attributes
Raises when none of the values in the iterable matches the attributes
converted = [(attrgetter(attr.replace('__', '.')), value) for attr, value in attrs.items()]
for elem in iterable:
if all(pred(elem) == value for pred, value in converted):
return elem
raise LookupError
async def client_session():
"""A context manager that creates a new aiohttp.ClientSession() and closes it when exiting the context.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 3
async def main():
async with client_session() as session:
client = next.Client(session, "TOKEN")
await client.start()
session = ClientSession()
yield session
await session.close()
def parse_timestamp(timestamp: int | str) -> datetime.datetime:
if isinstance(timestamp, int):
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp / 1000, tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")

next/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import logging
import time
from copy import copy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, NamedTuple, cast
from .errors import NextError
from . import utils
from .channel import GroupDMChannel, TextChannel, VoiceChannel
from .enums import RelationshipType
from .role import Role
from .types import (BulkMessageDeleteEventPayload, ChannelCreateEventPayload,
ChannelDeleteEventPayload, ChannelDeleteTypingEventPayload,
ChannelStartTypingEventPayload, ChannelUpdateEventPayload)
from .types import Member as MemberPayload
from .types import MemberID as MemberIDPayload
from .types import Message as MessagePayload
from .types import (MessageDeleteEventPayload, MessageReactEventPayload,
MessageUnreactEventPayload, MessageUpdateEventPayload)
from .types import Role as RolePayload
from .types import (ServerCreateEventPayload, ServerDeleteEventPayload,
ServerRoleDeleteEventPayload, ServerRoleUpdateEventPayload,
ServerUpdateEventPayload, UserRelationshipEventPayload,
from .user import Status, User, UserProfile
import aiohttp
import ujson as json
except ImportError:
import json
use_msgpack: bool
import msgpack
use_msgpack = True
except ImportError:
use_msgpack = False
import aiohttp
from .state import State
from .types import (AuthenticatePayload, BasePayload, MessageEventPayload,
from .message import Message
class WSMessage(NamedTuple):
type: aiohttp.WSMsgType
data: str | bytes | aiohttp.WSCloseCode
__all__: tuple[str, ...] = ("WebsocketHandler",)
logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("next")
class WebsocketHandler:
__slots__ = ("session", "token", "ws_url", "dispatch", "state", "websocket", "loop", "user", "ready", "server_events")
def __init__(self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, token: str, ws_url: str, dispatch: Callable[..., None], state: State):
self.session: aiohttp.ClientSession = session
self.token: str = token
self.ws_url: str = ws_url
self.dispatch: Callable[..., None] = dispatch
self.state: State = state
self.websocket: aiohttp.ClientWebSocketResponse
self.loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
self.user: User | None = None
self.ready: asyncio.Event = asyncio.Event()
self.server_events: dict[str, asyncio.Event] = {}
async def _wait_for_server_ready(self, server_id: str) -> None:
if event := self.server_events.get(server_id):
await event.wait()
async def send_payload(self, payload: BasePayload) -> None:
if use_msgpack:
await self.websocket.send_bytes(msgpack.packb(payload)) # type: ignore
await self.websocket.send_str(json.dumps(payload))
async def heartbeat(self) -> None:
while not self.websocket.closed:"Sending hearbeat")
await asyncio.sleep(15)
async def send_authenticate(self) -> None:
payload: AuthenticatePayload = {
"type": "Authenticate",
"token": self.token
await self.send_payload(payload)
async def handle_event(self, payload: BasePayload) -> None:
event_type = payload["type"].lower()
logger.debug("Recieved event %s %s", event_type, payload)
if event_type not in ["ready", "notfound"]:
await self.ready.wait()
func = getattr(self, f"handle_{event_type}")
except AttributeError:
return logger.debug("Unknown event '%s'", event_type)
await func(payload)
async def handle_authenticated(self, _: BasePayload) -> None:"Successfully authenticated")
async def handle_notfound(self, _: BasePayload) -> None:
raise NextError("Invalid token")
async def handle_ready(self, payload: ReadyEventPayload) -> None:
# Сначала добавляем пользователей
for user_payload in payload["users"]:
user = self.state.add_user(user_payload)
if user.relationship == RelationshipType.user:
self.user = user
for server in payload["servers"]:
for channel in payload["channels"]:
for member in payload["members"]:
self.state.add_member(member["_id"]["server"], member)
for emoji in payload["emojis"]:
emoji = self.state.add_emoji(emoji)
await self.state.fetch_all_server_members()
async def handle_message(self, payload: MessageEventPayload) -> None:
if server := self.state.get_channel(payload["channel"]).server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server)
message = self.state.add_message(cast(MessagePayload, payload))
self.dispatch("message", message)
async def handle_messageupdate(self, payload: MessageUpdateEventPayload) -> None:
self.dispatch("raw_message_update", payload)
message = self.state.get_message(payload["id"])
except LookupError:
if server_id :=
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server_id)
before = copy(message)
self.dispatch("message_update", before, message)
async def handle_messagedelete(self, payload: MessageDeleteEventPayload) -> None:
self.dispatch("raw_message_delete", payload)
message = self.state.get_message(payload["id"])
except LookupError:
if server_id :=
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server_id)
self.dispatch("message_delete", message)
async def handle_channelcreate(self, payload: ChannelCreateEventPayload) -> None:
channel = self.state.add_channel(payload)
if server_id := channel.server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server_id)
self.dispatch("channel_create", channel)
async def handle_channelupdate(self, payload: ChannelUpdateEventPayload) -> None:
# Next sends channel updates for channels we dont have permissions to see, a bug, but still can cause issues as its not in the cache
if not (channel := self.state.channels.get(payload["id"], None)):
if server_id := channel.server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server_id)
old_channel = copy(channel)
if clear := payload.get("clear"):
if clear == "Icon":
if isinstance(channel, (TextChannel, VoiceChannel, GroupDMChannel)):
channel.icon = None
elif clear == "Description":
if isinstance(channel, (TextChannel, VoiceChannel, GroupDMChannel)):
channel.description = None
self.dispatch("channel_update", old_channel, channel)
async def handle_channeldelete(self, payload: ChannelDeleteEventPayload) -> None:
channel = self.state.channels.pop(payload["id"])
if server_id := channel.server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server_id)
self.dispatch("channel_delete", channel)
async def handle_channelstarttyping(self, payload: ChannelStartTypingEventPayload) -> None:
channel = self.state.get_channel(payload["id"])
if server_id := channel.server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server_id)
user = self.state.get_user(payload["user"])
self.dispatch("typing_start", channel, user)
async def handle_channelstoptyping(self, payload: ChannelDeleteTypingEventPayload) -> None:
channel = self.state.get_channel(payload["id"])
if server_id := channel.server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server_id)
user = self.state.get_user(payload["user"])
self.dispatch("typing_stop", channel, user)
async def handle_serverupdate(self, payload: ServerUpdateEventPayload) -> None:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(payload["id"])
server = self.state.get_server(payload["id"])
old_server = copy(server)
if clear := payload.get("clear"):
if clear == "Icon":
server.icon = None
elif clear == "Banner":
server.banner = None
elif clear == "Description":
server.description = None
self.dispatch("server_update", old_server, server)
async def handle_serverdelete(self, payload: ServerDeleteEventPayload) -> None:
server = self.state.servers.pop(payload["id"])
for channel in server.channels:
del self.state.channels[]
await self._wait_for_server_ready(
self.dispatch("server_delete", server)
async def handle_servercreate(self, payload: ServerCreateEventPayload) -> None:
for channel in payload["channels"]:
server = self.state.add_server(payload["server"])
# lock all server events until we fetch all the members, otherwise the cache will be incomplete
self.server_events[] = asyncio.Event()
await self.state.fetch_server_members(
self.dispatch("server_join", server)
async def handle_servermemberupdate(self, payload: ServerMemberUpdateEventPayload) -> None:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(payload["id"]["server"])
member = self.state.get_member(payload["id"]["server"], payload["id"]["user"])
old_member = copy(member)
if clear := payload.get("clear"):
if clear == "Nickname":
member.nickname = None
elif clear == "Avatar":
member.guild_avatar = None
self.dispatch("member_update", old_member, member)
async def handle_servermemberjoin(self, payload: ServerMemberJoinEventPayload) -> None:
# avoid an api request if possible
if payload["user"] not in self.state.users:
user = await self.state.http.fetch_user(payload["user"])
member = self.state.add_member(payload["id"], MemberPayload(_id=MemberIDPayload(server=payload["id"], user=payload["user"]), joined_at=int(time.time()))) # next doesnt give us the joined at time
self.dispatch("member_join", member)
async def handle_memberleave(self, payload: ServerMemberLeaveEventPayload) -> None:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(payload["id"])
server = self.state.get_server(payload["id"])
member = server._members.pop(payload["user"])
# remove the member from the user
user = self.state.get_user(payload["user"])
self.dispatch("member_leave", member)
async def handle_serverroleupdate(self, payload: ServerRoleUpdateEventPayload) -> None:
server = self.state.get_server(payload["id"])
await self._wait_for_server_ready(
role = server.get_role(payload["role_id"])
except LookupError:
# the role wasnt found meaning it was just created
role = Role(cast(RolePayload, payload["data"]), payload["role_id"], server, self.state)
server._roles[] = role
self.dispatch("role_create", role)
old_role = copy(role)
if clear := payload.get("clear"):
if clear == "Colour":
role.colour = None
self.dispatch("role_update", old_role, role)
async def handle_serverroledelete(self, payload: ServerRoleDeleteEventPayload) -> None:
server = self.state.get_server(payload["id"])
role = server._roles.pop(payload["role_id"])
await self._wait_for_server_ready(
self.dispatch("role_delete", role)
async def handle_userupdate(self, payload: UserUpdateEventPayload) -> None:
user = self.state.get_user(payload["id"])
old_user = copy(user)
if clear := payload.get("clear"):
if clear == "ProfileContent":
if profile := user.profile:
user.profile = UserProfile(None, profile.background)
elif clear == "ProfileBackground":
if profile := user.profile:
user.profile = UserProfile(profile.content, None)
elif clear == "StatusText":
user.status = Status(None, user.status.presence if user.status else None)
elif clear == "Avatar":
user.original_avatar = None
self.dispatch("user_update", old_user, user)
async def handle_userrelationship(self, payload: UserRelationshipEventPayload) -> None:
user = self.state.get_user(payload["user"])
old_relationship = user.relationship
user.relationship = RelationshipType(payload["status"])
self.dispatch("user_relationship_update", user, old_relationship, user.relationship)
async def handle_messagereact(self, payload: MessageReactEventPayload) -> None:
if server := self.state.get_channel(payload["channel_id"]).server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server)
self.dispatch("raw_reaction_add", payload)
message = utils.get(self.state.messages, id=payload["id"])
except LookupError:
user = self.state.get_user(payload["user_id"])
message.reactions.setdefault(payload["emoji_id"], []).append(user)
emoji_id = payload["emoji_id"]
self.dispatch("reaction_add", message, user, emoji_id)
async def handle_messageunreact(self, payload: MessageUnreactEventPayload) -> None:
if server := self.state.get_channel(payload["channel_id"]).server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server)
self.dispatch("raw_reaction_remove", payload)
message = utils.get(self.state.messages, id=payload["id"])
except LookupError:
user = self.state.get_user(payload["user_id"])
self.dispatch("reaction_remove", message, user, payload["emoji_id"])
async def handle_messageremovereaction(self, payload: MessageRemoveReactionEventPayload) -> None:
if server := self.state.get_channel(payload["channel_id"]).server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server)
self.dispatch("raw_reaction_clear", payload)
message = utils.get(self.state.messages, id=payload["id"])
except LookupError:
users = message.reactions.pop(payload["emoji_id"])
self.dispatch("reaction_clear", message, users, payload["emoji_id"])
async def handle_bulkmessagedelete(self, payload: BulkMessageDeleteEventPayload) -> None:
channel = self.state.get_channel(payload["channel"])
self.dispatch("raw_bulk_message_delete", payload)
messages: list[Message] = []
for message_id in payload["ids"]:
if server_id := channel.server_id:
await self._wait_for_server_ready(server_id)
self.dispatch("raw_message_delete", MessageDeleteEventPayload(type="messagedelete", channel=payload["channel"], id=message_id))
message = self.state.get_message(message_id)
except LookupError:
self.dispatch("message_delete", message)
self.dispatch("bulk_message_delete", messages)
async def start(self, reconnect: bool) -> None:
if use_msgpack:
url = f"{self.ws_url}?format=msgpack"
url = f"{self.ws_url}?format=json"
while True:
self.websocket = await self.session.ws_connect(url) # type: ignore
await self.send_authenticate()
hb = asyncio.create_task(self.heartbeat())
async for msg in self.websocket:
msg = cast(WSMessage, msg) # aiohttp doesnt use NamedTuple so the type info is missing
if use_msgpack:
data = cast(bytes,
payload = msgpack.unpackb(data) # type: ignore
data = cast(str,
payload = json.loads(data)
if not reconnect:

pyproject.toml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
name = "next-api-py"
dynamic = ["version"]
description = "Python wrapper for the API"
requires-python = ">=3.9"
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
keywords = ["wrapper", "async", "api", "websockets", "http"]
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
dependencies = [
speedups = [
docs = [
Homepage = ""
Documentation = ""
"Source Code" = ""
"Bug Tracker" = ""
name = "Avanpost"
email = ""
path = "next/"
only-packages = true
include = ["next/**/*"]
reportPrivateUsage = false
reportImportCycles = false
reportIncompatibleMethodOverride = false
typeCheckingMode = "strict"
strict-naming = false
strict-naming = false
requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from typing_extensions import Protocol
class _FileLike(Protocol):
def read(self, n: int) -> bytes: ...
def unpackb(
packed: bytes,
file_like: Optional[_FileLike] = ...,
read_size: int = ...,
use_list: bool = ...,
raw: bool = ...,
timestamp: int = ...,
strict_map_key: bool = ...,
object_hook: Optional[Callable[[Dict[Any, Any]], Any]] = ...,
object_pairs_hook: Optional[Callable[[List[Tuple[Any, Any]]], Any]] = ...,
list_hook: Optional[Callable[[List[Any]], Any]] = ...,
unicode_errors: Optional[str] = ...,
max_buffer_size: int = ...,
ext_hook: Callable[[int, bytes], Any] = ...,
max_str_len: int = ...,
max_bin_len: int = ...,
max_array_len: int = ...,
max_map_len: int = ...,
max_ext_len: int = ...,
) -> Any: ...
def packb(
o: Any,
default: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = ...,
use_single_float: bool = ...,
autoreset: bool = ...,
use_bin_type: bool = ...,
strict_types: bool = ...,
datetime: bool = ...,
unicode_errors: Optional[str] = ...,
) -> bytes: ...

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
def get_html_theme_path() -> str: ...